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Taken from Fighting the Culture and Ideological Wars: Evolve, Resolve or Dissolve Ahead of Schedule by Horace Coleman:

The Republican would-be presidential candidates are Mitt Romney, who wants to break unions and Rick "Good Hair" Perry, who doesn't believe in big government or global warming. There's also Michelle Bachman, an upscale ditzy Sarah Palin, and ignored Ron Paul and John Huntsman. The religious way-right think theocracy works so well in countries with large Muslim populations we should have one. In the mean time, the plant has replaced the plantation and most white collar workers ignore or oppose unions while enjoying the benefits unions fought for. Jim Hightower at the Progressive Summit. A Progressive Summit was held in August in Orange County, California, one of the most right-wing Republican counties in the nation. The Summit's opening speaker was Christine Chavez, Caesar Chavez's granddaughter. Jim Hightower, author, radio commentator, public speaker and newsletter editor/writer, was the closing speaker.... Read More

Also In This Issue:

  1. Reflections on Operation Recovery by Maggie Martin
  2. Operation Dewey Canyon III: 40 Years Later by Barry Romo
  3. From The National Office by Joe Miller
  4. Ten Years After... And Counting by Joe Miller
  5. Fraggin' by Bill Shunas
  6. Notes From the Boonies by Paul Wisovaty
  7. Mail Call (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  8. Achieving Justice for Vietnamese and US Agent Orange Victims by Marty Webster
  9. Helping Veterans Obtain VA Benefits Saves Local Healthcare Budget Dollars by Ray Parrish
  10. Crazy, But Not Dishonorable by Ray Parrish
  11. The "Debt Crisis": Veterans and Potential Benefit Cuts by Jen Tayabji
  12. Cheney's New Book Slags Colin Powell (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  13. Going to the VA Clinic by Gregory Ross
  14. Conference of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin by Marty Webster
  15. The American Dream Movement by Jen Tayabji
  16. Coming Home to VVAW by Joe Miller
  17. Remembering Dave Cline by VVAW
  18. VVAW is Still Involved in the Fight for Veterans, Peace and Justice by Marty Webster
  19. An Excellent Adventure by Bill Ehrhart
  20. Vietnam Revisited by Larry Ball
  21. Temple Poem (poem) by Shinmin Sakamura
  22. Bete Niore (the Black Beast) (poem) by Paul Hellweg
  23. Oxy, The Smart Bomb (cartoon) by Billy X. Curmano
  24. Hello America by Harold Trainer
  25. Chronology: Operation Dewey Canyon III by VVAW
  26. Photos from Dewey Canyon III by VVAW
  27. Home From the War To the War at Home by Dave Kettenhofen
  28. Fighting the Culture and Ideological Wars: Evolve, Resolve or Dissolve Ahead of Schedule by Horace Coleman
  29. A Personal Veterans Day by Paul Donahue
  30. Exit Signs on the Imperial Highway (poem) by Horace Coleman
  31. Statement from IVAW Executive Director by Jose Vasquez
  32. Digging into the Operation Recovery Campaign by Nicole Baltrushes
  33. Operation Recovery Updates by Aaron Hughes
  34. War is Trauma by Alice Embree
  35. Stop Ignoring Veteran's Issues by Dave Amerson
  36. Operation Recovery Organizing Drive by Aaron Hughes
  37. I am a soldier (poem) by Rich Raitano
  38. The Road More Traveled (poem) by Paul Hellweg
  39. Where Soldiers Come From by Thomas Brinson (reviewer)
  40. Tours of Vietnam: War, Travel Guides, and Memory by Jerry Lembcke (reviewer)
  41. Dead is Dead: The Medic at Rest by Marc Levy
  42. Angel by Don Dzagulones
  43. What If I Had Assassinated Him Like Obama Did bin Laden? (poem) by Tim Bagwell
  44. In Libya (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  45. We the People - A New Movement by Michael and Cynthia Orange
  46. 40 Years and Still Going Strong by VVAW
  47. RECOLLECTIONS: A Memoir of Not Going to Vietnam by Gregory Kotonias
  48. In Afghanistan (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger