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<< 33. Meeting Our Congressman35. Here We Grow Again >>

VVAW California Central Coast Chapter in Full Swing

By Steve Crandall

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VVAW at the Camarillo Fiesta

We are veterans and the friends and family of veterans of the Vietnam War, and in May, 2007 we were proud to become the California Central Coast Chapter of Vietnam Veterans Against the War. The patriots of the VVAW have served our country for 40 years, first in combat overseas and then at home. It has always been our understanding that the patriot-warriors' call to service did not end when we were discharged. Our place is - as it has always been - at the side of the combat veteran, whom all Americans honor, but most Americans ignore.

In 2007 we are back in public view, raising the historic VVAW symbol of patriotic resistance to wrong, because the crisis we face as a nation today is a tragic repeat of the disaster that brought us together in 1967. We have not forgotten our homeless comrades from both the Vietnam and Korean Wars who are still on the streets wrestling their PTSD demons. For us there will be no "Mission Accomplished" until all vets are honored and treated properly.

We watch a new generation of combat veterans, who are facing what we did and more, being subjected to the same mistreatment and neglect as they return from the soul-searing horror of combat. We hear our country calling us to service once again, to offer our experience and dedication in support of the new veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. We join with our younger brothers and sisters demanding a return to the values of respect, compassion and fairness towards our veterans and towards the world that are the true American Way.

We fought for our country and will fight for her again if the call to a just war is made. But we will continue to teach the real lessons of the Vietnam War – that opposition to senseless military adventures is the duty of every true patriot. We remain committed to the struggle for peace and for social and economic justice for all people.

In the name of all veterans, but especially in the name of those who faced death and carry permanent wounds from their service to our country, we once again exhort America to stand with our warrior patriots and Honor the Warrior, not the War!

Supporting the VetStage Foundation June 2007

The CA Central Coast Chapter showed up in force to attend a play to help support the VetStage Foundation. The play was at the Falcon Theatre in Burbank, CA. Gary Marshall, owner of the Falcon Theatre and Penny Marshall's brother, donated 100% of the proceeds to the VetStage Foundation. The play, "The Value of Names" starred Jack Klugman, Liz Larsen and Dan Lauria (also a Vietnam Vet 1972-73).

The VetStage Foundation was founded by Sean Huze. Some may remember Sean, a troubled Iraq Vet suffering from PTSD in "The Ground Truth." We met with Sean after the play and will be getting together with him to help support the Foundation as well as work to unite Iraq veterans with Vietnam veterans. We also made other connections that we hope will lead to our involvement in documentaries about veterans.

We also talked to Dan Lauria about the sad state of affairs of our troops continued redeployments to Iraq and how much it relates to our service in Vietnam. VetStage Foundation (www.vetstage.org) was created to provide fellow veterans a creative outlet to process their experiences. The CA Central Coast Chapter is looking forward to working with Sean. We will keep all posted on our progress with VetStage as well as the progress on our involvement in the making of the documentaries.

Camarillo Fiesta July 2007

We had a fantastic weekend at the Camarillo Fiesta. It's like a street fair/carnival. The booth was co-sponsored by the various local peace organizations and of course the California Central Coast Chapter of the VVAW. It was a very positive experience, lots of good energy. We only had one negative person and his talking point was "We have to fight them there so we don't have to fight them here." Like we have never heard that one before. The Republican booth was across the street from ours. They received several negative comments and closed down early on both days.

The hot item was the peace stickers. We gave out the stickers without a request for donations and before we knew it they became a draw to our booth by young and old. Then we started moving VVAW buttons and bumper stickers. People were picking up the Veteran and good conversations were happening everywhere. It was hard to believe our 50/50 town of conservatives and liberals had finally shifted to the bright side. And in a big way.

I can say that being a carne can be good. In fact I might be known as the "Carne Asada" of Camarillo. For those of you east of the Colorado that means "a great carnival operator" for those west of the Colorado we will keep the meaning to ourselves.

Patriot Duty Done by All at the Stand Down 2007

All of Ventura County should take pride in the successful Stand Down held for the homeless veterans on July 27-29, 2007 at the California National Guard Armory in Ventura. For the fifteenth time, an all-volunteer organization brought together Ventura County social agencies, veterans' organizations and volunteer groups for the annual event. A carefully organized temporary military encampment provided two nights and three days of hot meals, shoes and clothes, haircuts, medical and legal help for some of our homeless comrades who never emotionally "came home" from Vietnam, as well as other veterans in need. It was community action at its best.

Volunteers from the Disabled American Veterans, American Legion, Veterans Administration, Veterans For Peace, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Ventura County Veterans Services, CACI and Veterans of Foreign Wars amongst others all joined together to staff this yearly act of compassion towards those who have so long been lost and forgotten by the county they served. The newly formed California Central Coast Chapter of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War was proud to be a part of the annual event for the first time this year. We look forward to a year of building greater outreach to the homeless vets, not only our comrades from Vietnam, but the newly discarded veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan wars as they begin to appear among the homeless and helpless.

Our thanks to the Stand Down staff for a job well done. It was the patriotic duty performed on behalf of us all, it was the least we could do, and we were proud to be part of it.

September 2007

We had Judith Broder, M.D. speak about the Soldier's Project at our Democratic Club on behalf of our VVAW Chapter in Camarillo. We have her husband, Don Broder M.D., scheduled to speak at the October meeting about war and health issues of the Iraqi people.

The CA Central Coast Chapter plans to continue its work to honor the warrior, not the war. We will not rest until while the war in Iraq rages on and we will continue to work to bring the troops home now.

Steve Crandall is a Vietnam Veteran and the President of the California Central Coast Chapter of VVAW.

<< 33. Meeting Our Congressman35. Here We Grow Again >>