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Thank You

Dear Ed:

I can't thank you enough for the most wonderful weekend of my life! I never thought I'd see all of you again in my life.

And thank you for my promotion to Vice President of VVAW!! I love it!

My Very Best,
Shelly Ramsdell

New Video on 'Nam Vets

Special Report on the Premieres
"Out of the Night"

"One of the more horrifying aspects of Post Traumatic Stress, is the fact that we are now certain that more Vietnam Vets have died by their own hand, suicide, than were killed in combat,"—Bill Mahedy in the TV documentary, "Out of the Night".

That was just one of the statements that caught the attention of 150,000 people who watched the premiere broadcasts of "Out of the Night" in Seattle and Portland on June 21st. The TV Special broadcast on KOMO-TV and KATU had a powerful impact on its viewers. We did well in the ratings. We were second in Seattle following "Sixty Minutes" and fourth in Portland. That's a great record for a TV documentary! And it only cost us 16 cents a viewer.

I have been overwhelmed by the response we've had to the special. I was on the phone for over a week talking to vets, their wives, relatives and friends. Both stations and our narrator Dick Foley had many calls and letters. I've had more call son "Out of the Night" than from any special I've ever produced. One wife said, "It's been 20 years since he was in Vietnam, and he's still living like it was yesterday." Another vet said that this was the best film that he had ever seen on the aftereffects of Vietnam.

We produced "Out of the Night", on an exceptionally low budget. We couldn't have done it without the generous help of KOMO-TV. They provided budget for film, processing, video transfers, and gave extensive post production support. We did the rest for a little over $25,000. (A full financial report is available upon request.) That's unheard of in professional media budgets that range between $2,000-5,000 or more a minute. I can assure you that we have been very responsible with our budget.

The good news is that we have completed the film and promoted the first two premieres within this tight budget. But at the end of July we are out of funds. We have no funds to take this important message to other parts of the Northwest and other cities in the USA.

We have prepared a special Audio Visual version in VHS format of "Out of the Night." The video comes without the commercial breaks and is 47 minutes in length. The special is copyrighted by KOMO-TV and this version is provided with a license for public and educational use. It's available for $50.00. Let us know if you can use it.

J. Graley Taylor,
Executive Director, IBC Religious
Broadcasting Commission
500 Wall Street, Suite 415
Seattle, Washington 98121

V.F.W. for Peace

Dear Comrades:

Thank you for your latest issue of THE GUIDEON. As you may know, over half of our membership is from the Vietnam era. Many of us are also members of chapter 11 of the Veterans for Peace-U.S.A. one of seven chapters in Calif. inclu. the recently organized Chap.. in the S.F. Bay Area (Vets Speakers Alliance).

Port 5888 aka The Bill Motto Post is known as the "Rebel Post" because of our radical position which got us suspended from the Natl. VFW in 1984-'85. Now, despite the Quake of '89, a court case for use of Vets Memorial Bldg, and a 90 day suspension from State VFW for minor financial problems, we are still THE POST FOR PEACE. Our 20'Banner says WAGE PEACE, carried in local and out-of-town parades.

Our post was the first to hold public forums in the Persian Gulf "crisis" and our speakers have been to most public schools & colleges in the country (and San Jose). We don't have a typical ladies Auxiliary and call Associate members FRIENDS OF BILL MOTTO (he was a decorated Vietnam Vet, a medic who is deceased). Among our far-flung activities: building a clinic in Vietnam, vets Peace Action Teams in Nicaragua and the Big Mtn. reservations, Medical supplies to Vietnam and Cambodia, and Local Homeless feasts & Toy giveaways at Thanksgiving and Xmas, and help for jobless vets.

We are in line for a grant from the Peace Dvlp. Fund - "education for Peace."

Best wishes,
Robert S. Hall, Adj.

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