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<< 9. Open Letter from NYC VVAW11. Review: Born on the 4th of July >>

San Antonio VVAW: El Salvador Solidarity


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VVAW members of the San Antonio Chapter took part in a 1st of November protest demonstration outside the San Antonio Federal Building in response to attacks on FENASTRAS and CO-MADRES in san Salvador. They issued the following statement.

A month ago 82 U.S. senators voted to increase military aid to El Salvador to $90 million of the coming fiscal year. This amount, along with the economic support funds and other economic assistance, means that nearly $2 million a day in U.S. support will continue to go to El Salvador.

Over the past decade 70,000 Salvadoran civilians have been killed in a conflict that is often called a civil war but which is more accurately described as U.S.-backed support of the status quo. In spite of thousands of assassinations and continued repression, the Salvadoran people have rejected a return to the status quo. They have worked and sacrificed to build a more just society and have repeatedly backed dialogue between the government and the rebels as a means of ending the conflict.

The destruction and loss of life at the offices of the National Trade Union Federation (FENASTRAS) and the human rights group (CO-MADRES) are the direct result of the continued military aid recently approved by Congress. The U.S. Embassy in San Salvador is also an accomplice in yesterday's slaughter because of its practice of describing trade and human rights groups as subversive.

Vietnam Veterans Against the War, San Antonio Chapter, denounce the destruction and loss the life that took place in the October 31st bombings in San Salvador. The injured and dead are civilians whose only crime has been to organize for mutual support and for an end to the war in El Salvador. We call on the U.S. Department of State to investigate both bombings and to admit any role we may have had in provoking these terrorist actions.

In the days immediately preceding Veterans Day 1989, a fake VVAW crawled out form under rocks. Suppose to protest Congressional action outlawing flag-burning, these RCP sponsored goons first burned a thousand paper flags in Seattle; later in the week, members of the supposed VVAW turned up in Washington, DC engaged in various types of silliness.

VVAW has always fought for the right to protest in whatever form no matter how silly; we will continue to do so because the principle involved is far more important than the RCP of its supporters will ever be. If you should see these pseudo VVAW folks, see if you can find a Vietnam vet. They have one, maybe two, but that's it; their ranks are filled with high schoolers.

Their stock in trade is gaining attention however possible, an activity common to other children. VVAW will take whatever steps are necessary to prevent them from misusing our name again in the future.

—VVAW National Office

<< 9. Open Letter from NYC VVAW11. Review: Born on the 4th of July >>