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<< 4. Memorial Day: A Day To Remember; A Day To Fight!6. 30,000 in D.C. Say "No Draft, No Way" >>

Agent Orange Civil Suit


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You're a Vietnam veteran, and you know you were exposed to Agent Orange. You have health problems. Your children are having problems. Someone is responsible—the chemical companies who made the stuff. You happen to read something in your local paper about a suit filed against these companies. Now, you want to be involved, too. How?

First of all, we want to say that we are not soliciting cases for any particular lawyers. We are fighting the chemical companies on every front, and the courts are one of many. However, there are 14 law firms nationwide that are involved in an organized way to take on these big businesses in court. The legal consortium has taken its leadership from Victor Yanacone, who originated the class action suit in New York. Your own attorney could take your case with no problem, as every complaint that's filed gets plugged into the already existing class action suit.

Documentation is very important. No matter which lawyer you decide on to handle your case, they will need as complete a record on your military and medical history as you can put together. This documentation is also needed for any claims for disability at the VA, as well as any doctors you may seek out for medical treatment.

Right now, the courts are in the process of deciding liability. Once the courts decide that the chemical companies are, in fact responsible, then each vet will sue on the merits of his own personal case.

If you are interested in joining the class action suit against the chemical companies, contact VVAW. We will help you get it together.

<< 4. Memorial Day: A Day To Remember; A Day To Fight!6. 30,000 in D.C. Say "No Draft, No Way" >>