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Page 18
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<< 17. Victory to the People of Eritrea: USSR-Cuba Get Out19. Recollections of Vietnam: Walking Dead of Khe Sanh >>

New York City VVAW: Fatigues Given to PAC


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On April 1, the New York City Chapter of VVAW began the "Fatigues for Freedom Fighters" campaign at a public meeting. The NYC Chapter joined with other members of VVAW around the country who are collecting fatigues, boots, clothing, money--as much material as possible--while spreading the word about the struggle of the people of Azania (South Africa).

The film "Only the Beginning" was shown and as usual was enthusiastically received ( "Only the Beginning" is a 25-minute film about Vietnam and about Dewey Canyon III when VVAW members threw away their medals on the steps of the U. S. Capitol building). There was a speaker from VVAW, but the feature of the evening was the guest speaker from the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), Elizabeth Sibeko. PAC has been waging political and military battle against the white minority government in South Africa for over 15 years. Ms Sibeko pointed out that the people of Azania have been fighting back against Apartheid and foreign domination since the first foreign settlers arrived. She also spoke of the inspiration the victory of the Vietnamese over a much greater military power has given them.

Toward the end of the evening several vets came forward and donated 8 sets of fatigues and 2 sets of boots. Those offering their old military gear made it clear that important lessons had been learned from fighting for the rich of this country. One vet pointed out, "In Vietnam I realized I fought on the wrong side--a lot of other guys realized this too. Tonight I feel better knowing that somebody will be wearing these fatigues soon fighting for freedom instead of against it."

No one at the meeting disagreed with this sentiment. In fact several people signed up to help in this campaign. Vets and non-vets offered time to VVAW to get things rolling. They did so because they know the struggle of the people of Azania is just and that whatever help we can give will help bring them a step closer to liberation.

<< 17. Victory to the People of Eritrea: USSR-Cuba Get Out19. Recollections of Vietnam: Walking Dead of Khe Sanh >>