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<< 17. VVAW Anniversary: 10 Proud Years of Struggle19. San Diego: VVAW Fights, Vet Wins Benefits >>

Second UWOC Conference: Unemployed Plan Nationwide Battle


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On June 25-26, 175 members and elected delegates of the Unemployed Workers Organizing Committee (UWOC) gathered in Detroit, Michigan to participate in the 2nd National UWOC meeting. In the year since the first UWOC national meeting, UWOC has been in the forefront of the fight against the employing class' attempts to shift the burden for their crisis onto workers' backs and to use the unemployed as a force to drive down the wages and working conditions of the whole working class. The banners ringing the site of the conference proclaimed the stand and determination of the UWOC chapters from over 30 cities at the meeting: "Jobs or Income!", "We Won't Scab and We Won't Starve!", "Employed-Unemployed--Same Crisis, Same Fight!"

But the two banners strung across the stage of the conference, serving as the backdrop for two days of spirited and serious discussion, "Unity and Action Means Strength and Power!", "Stand Up! Get Organized! Fight Back!" spoke to the immediate purpose of the meeting--to sum up the experiences and advances of the past year, to figure out the present situation and a battle plan for the coming months, and to unite, get better organized and build UWOC as a real force against the attacks coming down on workers, unemployed and employed alike.

As a member from Connecticut pointed out, the size of the meeting itself reflected the advances made in the last year, with an over threefold increase in the number of UWOC members participating in the meeting itself, representing thousands more who are becoming involved in struggle and beginning to look to UWOC for leadership. The three month campaign against Carter's unemployment bill--which limited unemployment benefits to 52 weeks under any circumstances (39 weeks after October 31) and contains the slave labor provision, forcing those on federal extensions to accept any job which pays more than minimum wage or more than 120% of their benefits--brought many new members into UWOC, veteran workers and young workers alike of all nationalities. In this period also, several new chapters of UWOC have been built, including the Washington, DC chapter formed after the demonstration of 1000 in front of the White House on March 5th.

But while the size and strength of UWOC have grown, the attacks on benefits, union busting and attempts to drive the unemployed into slave wage jobs have also stepped u p, demanding even stronger organization. As discussion brought out, since the passage of Carter's unemployment bill, attacks on the unemployed have been on the rise, shifting at the same time to the state and local levels. Chapter after chapter reported state bills limiting the conditions for eligibility for benefits and cutting the maximum time benefits can be collected.

Everywhere, harassment at unemployment offices, delays in checks and other attacks have been coming down. What became clear from this discussion and experiences form around the country was that although these attacks were now occurring mostly on a state by state level, they were all part of a systematic attempt to dismantle the unemployment insurance system and to institute slave wage, union busting jobs programs.

Although fighting every particular attack as it comes down on a state of local level will be the main thrust of the UWOC chapters' work in the months to come, these fights will be part of a systematic national campaign to beat back the ruling class' attack. This campaign launched at the conference, will build public opinion and struggle against the government's policy toward the unemployed, under the slogans "Stop the Attacks on the Unemployment System!" and "Union Jobs at Union Wages!"

Three main demands are being put forward, including a national petition; "No more cuts in benefits to meet our cost of living for all periods of unemployment," "Down with Carter's slave labor law and forcing us into slave wage jobs!" and "All government job programs must be union jobs at union pay."

As vets we too see the need of struggling against this "phoney" jobs program being pushed by Carter. Vets, facing unemployment above the national average, are slated for 35% of the jobs under Carter's program, a program to wring cheap labor out of working people to pile up the profits for the rich.

We in VVAW unite with vets and workers around the country taking up the UWOC campaign. After using us in their wars and tossing us out like the morning trash, the rich and their office boys are fooling themselves if they think vets will stand idly by if they try to run us through the mill again.

As part of this campaign regional demonstrations are being planned for the end of October when the next 13 week cut is due, directed at the federal government in unity with a demonstration for the same day in Washington, DC. In January, at the time of Carter's State of the Union address, UWOC plans to draw all its forces together for a national demonstration in DC, putting forward its programs for unemployment and demanding to meet with Carter and the Congress.

The conference was a great success in struggling for and uniting around a fighting program for the unemployed. Chapter members left with a firm determination to return to their local areas and build this fight as broadly as possible.

<< 17. VVAW Anniversary: 10 Proud Years of Struggle19. San Diego: VVAW Fights, Vet Wins Benefits >>