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Philly: Vets Hit Job Fair


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A lot of vets are out of work and looking to get jobs. Recently about 35 vets read in a Philadelphia newspaper about a job seminar for Vietnam vets, and went to the Federal Building to see what was happening. This job seminar was for tips on how to fill out resumes. No jobs, just a snow job for the vets who attended.

This seminar was sponsored by the National Alliance of Businessmen and had representatives from the VA, Xerox Corporation, and the State Civil Service Commission. Pretty quick, the vets caught on that the whole thing was a farce--another attempt by the ruling class to show Vietnam Vets that they are "concerned" about us. But it didn't take too long for these turkeys to put their feet in their mouth.

One vet with a college degree said he couldn't get a job because everywhere he applied he was told he was "over qualified." The hacks from civil service told him to lie on his application. The vet said, "Isn't this something. A representative of the state tells me to lie on my application."

And on and on it went. Because the chumps didn't have any answers or jobs they began pulling things out of their hats. A VA rep started talking about how there's a program for vets out of the serve for less than a year. One angry vet asked, "What about me? I'm out of the service for none years, disabled and can't find anything." The VA rep had nothing to say.

When a member of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War stood up and said, "The only way we can get jobs is if we vets get together and fight for jobs."

The black retired Navy lifer with 30 years old who was host of the seminar started with the old Navy trick of "divide and conquer," saying, "What do white guys care about Blacks?" But this scheme didn't work. One Black vet from VVAW said "This isn't the only question of Blacks against white, it's a question of class against class." All the vets, Black and white, agreed and started telling the lifer off.

And that's exactly what it is--a question of class against class. That was clear of class against class. That was clear to almost all of the vets at the job seminar. Several of the Vets there have expressed a real interest in finding out more and what the Philly chapter is doing and one more vet joined the organization and said: "It's the only way we can get jobs."

Jobs or Income Now

<< 18. Superpowers Square Off: Japan Conference Down For Count20. Milwaukee: Midwest Vets Meet To Plan Struggle Ahead >>