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Unite For Bicentennial Action


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Join Us on July 4, in Philadelphia!

On July 4, 1976, the eyes of the American people will be focused on Philadelphia where the Declaration of Independence was signed, as the nation celebrates its Bicentennial. The class that runs this country will be leading the flag-waving, painting rosy pictures about how good the American people have it, wallowing in the "glory" of past wars, preaching about our great "heritage of freedom," and how our democratic system should last for at least another 200 years.

Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) calls for people from all around the country to come to Philadelphia for July 4th to expose these ruling class lies and lay out the real demands of the people of this country: vets, workers, unemployed, students and all people who see the need to fight against the attacks coming down. We have carried the rich for 200 years; let's get them off our backs.

The Bicentennial hoopla is in full swing already and it's going to get worse. Red, white and blue hydrants, license plates, beer cans; Bicentennial minutes on TV; Revolutionary War leaders used to advertise everything imaginable. But behind all these quick-money schemes stands a public relations smoke-screen. The millionaires and their cronies who run this country are trapped in a real economic crisis; these parasites are trying to use the Bicentennial to cover up 200 years of exploitation and convince the people that we have the best of all possible worlds, so that their profit-making system can keep alive.

"We can get by this little recession problems; the American people only have to bite the bullet," some rich turkey will say. "We must sacrifice together. Yes, we've had some problems in the past, but if we pull together for the common good and the national interest, we can ride them out, "some politician will preach. "No matter what difficulties we may have, we've got our freedom!"

We don't have a damn thing in common with these mouthpieces of the rich. It's not our crisis; we're not paying for it, and all the red, white and blue speeches aren't going to change that. By "sacrifice together" the bosses mean that working people should sacrifice so the the rich can increase their profits--and we aren't having any of that either. Their national interest and common good is for us to get ready to go their war--even nuclear war--to protect the ability of American business in competition with their counterparts in the Soviet Union to continue to rip off the rest of the world. We aren't buying that at all.

The reality of 1976is far from the glowing pictures these politicians paint. Everywhere we look the rich bosses are trying to do anything to increase profits. Layoffs by the millions, frantic attempts at speed-eps, wage cuts, rampant inflation, growing unemployment; and while the rich try to squeeze every nickel of profit out of working people, they also try to slash social services which don't bring in their profits. For instance, they promised vets all kinds of benefits; but the GI Bill isn't enough to live on, and they're trying to cut that. Disability and pension payments are cut back; healthcare deteriorates further in VA hospitals; red tape multiplies in an attempt to discourage vets from getting benefits.

Two hundred years ago the American people won a great victory in gaining independence from England, but wealthy Americans replaced the British aristocrats in running the country (and today American sons are forced to be the "red coats" in wars like Vietnam). For 200 hundred years there's been fierce struggle in the US: the ending of slavery during the Civil War, the 8-hour work day, unemployment compensation, union shops; masses of Americans marched and fought for civil rights and to protect US aggression in Indochina. Vets fought for these victories and also fought for the rights of vets as in the Bonus March in 1932 or in militant battles of today. Not one of these victories was a gift from the rich to the American people; we had to fight them for any step forward we've made. Today, more and move vets are fighting and not letting them use us once and then throw us away.

The rich tell us that we should count our blessings and that we should be prepared to go off to fight another one of their wars; we say there's a war to fight, but that war is right here. WE WILL FIGHT FOR JOBS! Around us, we see roads that need fixing, housing which needs to be built, yet unemployment lines lengthen and benefits run out, all because work that needs to be done isn't a "job" unless it brings them profits, As vets we know we end up going to the VA for their sorry care because we can's afford better. The need for jobs confronts millions of the unemployed, vets and non-vets alike.

At every Bicentennial celebration some speaker is going to talk about the glory of past wars, with some American Legion commander all covered with ribbons nodding in the right places, Their systems needs another war. But we fought one rich man's war; we know who makes the sacrifices in war, and it isn't the rich. That's why we say WE WON'T FIGHT ANOTHER RICH MAN'S WAR.

To take the demands of Jobs or Income Now, and No More Rich Man's Wars out to the American people, VVAW wants all vets to join us in Philadelphia on July 4, 1976. As The Veteran describes, VVAW chapters are working on campuses, at VA hospitals and offices, in workplaces, at unemployment offices to build the fighting vets movement. The Bicentennial demonstration will bring together all these local struggles, uniting chapters, other vets' organizations, and individual vets from across the country into a powerful force to expose the lies of the rich and put forward the demands of vets. And through the building of the demonstration, we want to see VVAW grow stronger around the country.

In July, 1974, VVAW sponsored four days of demonstrations in Washington DC, climaxed by a march of 3500 people on July 4th. Vets from around the country joined in the actions; the militance and unity these four days built was a real spark to the struggle which followed. Much of the success of the demo came from vigorous support and building among other organizations who joined us in Washington.

VVAW says that the 1976 Demonstration should build on the gains made since 1974. There should be a massive joint action, built around Jobs or Income Now, and We Won't Fight Another Rich Man's War, in Philadelphia on July 4th; we will also be planning other actions around specific demands of vets for the days before July 4th, and hope that other groups will also plan actions on those days.

We want the active participation of thousands of vets. The demo must be built nationwide. If you, your group or organization are interested in joining to build for the demonstration or have ideas to contribute, contact the VVAW National Office. There will be planning meetings and conferences in local areas.

VVAW wants to build a mass demonstration in Philadelphia on July 4th which will unite people to strike a mighty blow against the leeches who suck our blood. Vets need a movement which can fight for our rights and our needs. VVAW wants all vets to join with us to build that movement. Build the Fighting Veterans' Movement. Come to Philadelphia--Build the Bicentennial Demonstration!



<< 2. Sailors Fight Unsafe Nuclear Submarine4. Unemployment: Struggle For Jobs Or Income Grows >>