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<< 5. Scott Camil7. Genocide Alert >>

Come To Miami!


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The Miami conventions are at hand. The circus side shows of American politics--complete with barkers, ticket takers, animals, beautiful girls, pretty boys, and freaks--will be presenting the '72 versions of "Democracy in Action," July 10-14 and August 21-23. Obscene old men and women will converge on Miami Beach, get drunk, get laid, and attempt to shape the destiny of this country as an afterthought. They will talk, argue, compromise, bribe, sell out, cop out, and lie during this exercise in futility, BUT THEY WILL ACCOMPLISH NOTHING!

As members of the armed forces, we were well acquainted with the real effects of American imperialism and neo-colonialism. We have seen this first hand in the form of dismembered bodies, tortured minds, puppet governments, and disrupted society.

As members of the armed forces, we were forced to become the deadly instruments of our government's racist and genocidal policies in Southeast Asia and other parts of the world. We were part of the great American war machine which, even now, is systematically destroying the lands and people of Indo-China in the name of their own freedom.

As members of the armed forces, we found that we faced a superior army--superior not in arms and equipment but in will and determination. They believed in what they were fighting for; we didn't. We found that we could never defeat this army because it was truly represented the people; it was the people.

As members of the armed forces, we saw too many of our brothers and sisters forced to die in this insane war. We saw too many of our brothers and sisters crippled physically by this conflict, and crippled mentally in wild attempts to escape its realities.

As members of the armed forces, we were forced to live and work under conditions which allowed us no control over our own destiny. In the name of discipline, we had not say in what we did, not were we allowed the representation of a union or the election of our own leaders. All the time, the oppressive Uniform Code of Military Justice was held over our heads to mete out decisive injustice to those who choose to dissent.

Now, we are veterans, and as veterans we should be guided by the force of our consciences to heighten the struggles against these manifestations of oppression that we once suffered under. Our previous actions have proved that American people listen when veterans speak. Now we must speak all the louder because it is a time when maybe the people will do something to change these conditions which have existed for so long. National attention will be focused on Miami during the conventions; this makes it ideal for our struggle. We must come prepared to deal with the real issues, and we must make every attempt to force those who purport to be our leaders to deal with them also.

Miami is necessary. Miami is crucial. Join us there. For more information, contact your local chapter or regional coordinator.

Scenario For MiamI

Democratic Conventions

July 6-8: Veterans will arrive in Florida. All veterans should check in through the Florida Regional Coordinator, Scott Camil, to be directed to staging areas for the conventions. Since parking may be a problem on Miami Beach, it may be necessary to park off the beach and be shuttled in.

July 9: Check in and set up day. Tentatively, the "non-delegates" (that's us) are going to be given the Par Three Gold Course for accommodations. VVAW will have an area at the course which is apart and distinctly separate from the rest of the demonstrators. This is to give us a certain amount of unit integrity and enable us to have better control over our own people. The campsite will be set up with a regional grouping and a central information and control point.

The Souther Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), led by Reverend Ralph Abernathy, will be holding a rally in Miami City sometime in the afternoon. They have asked that everyone join them. Also SCLC will be establishing "Resurrection City" at this time.

July 10: VVAW, along with National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), (Beulah Sanders, National Director), will sponsor mass march from Miami City to the convention site. The march will most likely begin before dark (about 7pm). This is when we will be presenting to the delegates what we are expecting they accomplish during the convention.

July 11: This will be the first day of workshops and seminars at which VVAW will attempt to begin to deal with the real issues and problems that face us as veterans and the country as a whole. We are tentatively planning groups that deal with the war, the bombing, the escalation, drugs, the VA, veterans benefits, unemployment etc. Also during this time will be spontaneous demonstrations and guerrilla theatre which will dramatically portray the issues we are dealing with.

July 12: Same as the 11th.

July 13: Education of the candidates. We are trying at this point to contact all the candidates and we are inviting them to come to listen to what we have to say about what they should be concerned with. If they will not come to us, then we will go to them. The Democrats have been promising that they stand for meaningful change. This will be their chance to prove it.

July 14: The program for this day will be left open pending the outcome of the convention.

Logistics: Everyone should come prepared to house, clothe and feed themselves for the five days of the convention. In keeping with the overall atmosphere of the convention, the weather will probably be oppressively hot, so come prepared to deal with that. Also, the mosquitoes will probably be on the prowl for young and tender bodies to suck on. Medical facilities and sanitary facilities will be provided. The availability of drinking water at the campsite is not known at this time. So it would be advisable to bring a canteen or other such container. Any protective equipment (gas mask, helmet etc.) will be brought on individual initiative, at least for the Democratic Convention.


<< 5. Scott Camil7. Genocide Alert >>