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No jobs, a disgraceful GI education bill, understaffed VA hospitals, methadone, no compensation or help from war-induced psychological problems, prison; and for over 400,000 Vietnam-era veterans a less-than-honorable discharge - that is what awaits today's servicemen and women.

Through the amnesty campaign of VVAW/WSO we will eliminate the multiple choice discharge system and replace it with a single-type discharge (retroactive). (Veterans with bad discharges represent the sing largest group of people in need of amnesty, amnesty for resisting the lies.) While we are working toward that goal, we will continue to expose the Veterans Administration (VA) for what it is. But before the VA can become effective, though, reactionaries like VA Director Donald Johnson, who opposes increase in VA benefits, must go. It's bad enough to have to rely on the VA for anything if you have an honorable discharge. But if you are one of the more than 177,000 Vietnam-era vets with an Undesirable Discharge (UD) you are at the mercy of the VA. (If you have a Bad Conduct or Dishonorable Discharge, you get nothing.) For all vets with UDs, the VA can use its own discretion as to whether it grants any benefits. That includes education, medical, dental, disability, vocational rehab - everything. We believe that all Americans should have access to a good education, quality health care and decent jobs. But we also believe that the government has a responsibility to take care of the casualties of its war machine.

During the months of April, May and June, VVAW/WSO chapters will conduct militant demonstrations and educational activity around the VA to expose what the VA means to millions of vets - the self-serving bureaucracy, the endless red tape, the benefits that never arrive, the pitiful care and disgraceful benefits - the utter frustration and downright fury over the outrageous treatment afforded veterans. These activities will culminate on July 1st-4th, in Washington, DC, when the VA National Headquarters will be confronted by thousands of angry veterans and supporters during VVAW/WSO's national amnesty actions. JOIN US!


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