From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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January 18 Anti-War March in D.C.

By John Zutz

It was chilly in Washington, twenty degrees, January 18th. A brisk, sunny day. A day when hundreds of thousands of people would try to influence our government to stop the war against Iraq.

Hundreds of thousands of people from all ages, and callings stood up to be counted against the war. Around 300 of those were veterans, family and friends. The VFP and VVAW banners may have been the most photographed of any present.

The creativity was enormous. Some protest signs were plain. Many were elegant. A few were flamboyant. It seemed each placard was more exquisite than the last.

The energy built, along with the size of the crowd, during the two hours of speeches. Then someone with a mike said "Start walking," and the march began. It was total anarchy, blocks of people trying squeeze into a much narrower street. The DC Police said "this was the biggest anti-war demonstration in DC in thirty years."

All the marchers were smiling.

The veterans contingent commandeered a small triangular shaped park on Pennsylvania Ave. The group, with banners high, began reciting cadences to the passing crowd for over an hour. The marchers joined the cadences, and applauded as they passed.

The few counter protesters were lost in the huge crowd.

From the time the lead marchers arrived at the end, it was about five hours before the tail arrived. It's time for more people to stand up.

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