From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Bush/Cheney/Rumsfield: The New American Empire and War

By Barry Romo and Joe Miller

Whether the US goes to war with Iraq or not (and they probably will), our country is on the path to perpetual war.

The real "axis of evil" is in Washington, and they are planning for constant confrontation with any state that reaches the level of even potential regional power.

Just a year and a half ago, the trio was putting us on a confrontational path with China. Warships were deployed to the Straits of Taiwan, the propaganda against China was heightened, the military journals had articles speculating on various scenarios, and our spy planes were crashing into Chinese territory. Heroes weren't yet the police and fire departments of New York City, but rather, pilots and military intelligence folks stepping off a plane after spending some "difficult" time in a Chinese officers' quarters, where they had air conditioning and they had to eat with chopsticks.

Then 9-11 happened and the United States really united around going after al-Qaeda. Then we began the attacks on Afghanistan and we put troops in the former Soviet Republics around Iran and Afghanistan. For the first time we were in this vast area of oil with troops and treaties.

After Iraq, the troops will not be coming home but getting ready for another adventure: Iran, after all, is also on Bush's list. Or maybe back to China or just maybe North Korea.

All the Chicken Hawks are a titter over Max Boot's new book, "The Savage Wars of Peace," which traces our glorious small wars overseas from Barbary Coast to Vietnam. That's right Vietnam. Boot closes with a section calling for more small wars, saying it's all up to our leaders to just be brave and be willing to "pay the butcher's bill."

Of course, as always, it will be some other mother's son or daughter who will bleed.

As VVAW we have to be ready for the long haul, speaking out and making a difference, wherever possible.

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