From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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VVAW Adopts Orphans, Victims Of The Contras

By Virg McFadden

In January of 1986 two CCAW chapters—Chicago and Madison— voted to adopt orphans of the "Contra" war in Nicaragua.

Since the Reagan Administration insists on waging war on an impoverished country of 3 million people, a war which nearly three quarters of the American people are against, a war that has no support from any other country in the world, a war which is waged in our name and which can only lead to the eventual loss of our children—with all of this chapter members felt that we wanted to extend our concern to some of the real victims of the war, the children.

When we began to research the project we found that there were already 7000 orphans in Nicaragua, a staggering number considering that the entire population of the country is about the same as that of Chicago. The need for godparents was and is great, and growing.

By mid-summer we received photos and other information about our godchildren. Javier is about a year and a half old; his brother, Dionisio, is about three.

Here is what is known of their story: On April 8, 1986, a sixteen-year-old Sandinista soldier stationed in the area of Chantalis Y Zleya Central snatcher Javier from the arms of his dead mother, their blood running together as one, and took the wounded baby and his brother to the Rolando Carado CDI (orphanage) in San Marcos about 38 kilometers from Managua. The soldier said that the mother, while fleeing the "Contra" had been gunned down with Javier in her arms. The father had been dragged off by the "Contra" and no one knows what has happened to him.

Javier will survive his bullet wounds. The "Contra" usually kill children (CIA terror tactics). Although not known for sure, it seems that rapid arrival of Sandinista troops save Javier and his brother.

Since no relatives could be found the children were given the last name of their area—Carazo.

Javier was adopted by Madison, VVAW, and Dionisio by Chicago's VVAW chapter. The brothers will remain together at Rolando Caraado and messages and gifts (only gifts of an educational nature which can be share by all the children at the Orphanage, please) will be passed on to them by the chapters.

Chicago and Madison VVAW chapters encourage other chapters and individuals and organizations to consider the needs of these children and look into the ERC Godparent Project by contacting: The Ecumenical Refugee Council, Inc, Concilio Ecumenico para Refugiados, Inc, 2510 N. Frederick Milwaukee, WI 53211 (414) 332-5381.

Work for PEACE—it's the only hope the children of the world have!

Virg McFadden, Chicago VVAW

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