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Purple Heart? Silver Star? (poem)
By John Crandell
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One glance at those still frame images
forced one to sit back. Way back.
It all is - as if the spirit of Frank Capra
has gone over to the dark side.
Coursing one inch to the right
a bullet fired by a twenty year old quiet kid
would have removed the right eyeball
and shattered the skull of Donald Trump.
Well bully-bully - one hundred and twenty three years in the wake
of Theodore Roosevelt becoming the nation's chief executive
upon the assassination of William McKinley.
A bullied kid has nearly killed the 21st Century's
Bully in Chief.
Today - four days later, Ramblin' Joe Biden has "got nasty"
with a Bronze Star Democrat...
"It don't mean nothin'" no longer applies.
— John Crandell