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RIP Barry Romo
By John Lindquist
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I've known Barry Romo since April 1971. We met at Dewey Canyon III. He was one of those "radical" California veterans. I was on Operation Dewey Canyon, which started on Jan. 27, 1969. The 9th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, went into the A Shau Valley and parts of Laos. During DC III, I was "drafted" into being Wisconsin Regional Coordinator. I continued to see Barry at VVAW national meetings.
When VVAW declared "War on the VA," Wisconsin was heavily involved. I really got to know Barry better. He was my friend, a fellow warrior, and a good leader.
I would have been proud to have him as my platoon commander. He would have had to enlist in the Marines, but he had more sense than that! Whether working on the 1972 anti-Nixon re-election demo in Miami, the Gainesville 8 trial, the work on Post Vietnam Syndrome (PVS), or the formation of the Vets Centers, Barry gave his all.
In his work on the Agent Orange struggle, the push to normalize relations with Vietnam, building libraries in Vietnam, or his Post Office Union, Barry always gave 110%.
I will miss you and always remember you. I'll especially remember all the times you came to the VVAW Campouts in Wisconsin.
Semper Fidelis.
John Lindquist is a long-time VVAW member from Milwaukee, now living in England.
Bill Davis, Barry Romo, & John Lindquist.