From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Cut off Da Ear Or You're a Queer


Hitler referred to his "people" as the superior race. We saw racism in Vietnam and know firsthand what it has caused. However, we are plagued with another disease – a disease which affects even the most oppressed ethnic minorities – that disease is called sexism.

The calamitous results of this kind of elitist mentality does not have to be expounded on. Tragically far too many Americans have picked up on this same philosophy. For too many years the only accepted mode was white, Christian, and middle class heterosexual. Fortunately, with the emergence of a new consciousness, many of our brothers and sisters have seen through this deleterious rhetoric.

Unlike racism, sexism has not yet been made a focal point in relationship to the military, war, and Vietnam. Women's Liberation and Gay Liberation are no jokes. If you think they are, then you are still part of the problem and not yet part of the solution.

As a homosexual Vietnam Veteran I know what sexism and anti-gay attitudes have done to us as a people. Contrary to popular belief, gays do enter the military. They enter for various reasons They are rightfully afraid of the serious consequences facing them; homosexuals are still not protected under the Constitution. A gay man or woman may fear loss of his or her civilian job, embarrassment and ridicule so he or she will enter the military. Another reason - and perhaps the biggest - is a man will enter or allow himself to be drafted in order to prove his masculinity. Or maybe, he or she may believe it is their patriotic duty to serve. Most gays vehemently opposed the old questionnaire "form 89" which asked "do you have homosexual tendencies". Since that question is a derogatory slander towards homosexuals.

The Gay and Women's Lib movements are parallel with other liberation movements since we all demand basically the same thing - our freedom and human rights.

The military uses fear of homosexuality as one of its strongest tools; a fear that has napalmed the mind. Violence and war have been perpetrated not only in the name of America, democracy, and God, but also in the name of masculinity - masochism, male chauvinism and John Wayne.

While it is socially accepted for a man to compete, fight and sometimes even kill his brother, to love someone of the same sex is something perverted, criminal and sick.

As most people know, one who puts up a super macho front is surely in doubt of his own masculinity. More often than not, the results of this disguise and continued repression have disastrous results. My Lai was not only racist, it was also sexist. "Fight, kill, be a man." In actuality there is no such thing as masculinity and femininity. They are merely roles that have been programmed out for all.

Each year about 2,000 brothers and sisters have been less than honorably discharged from the service solely because of their homosexuality. This is an atrocity in itself. As is commonly known, a person who receives an undesirable, general, or dishonorable discharge is denied VA benefits. He or she may have difficulty in obtaining a job, acquiring housing, obtaining credit, etc. After the brothers and sisters are discharged they may wish to plead a case in order to have the discharge changed to honorable. Presently people have a few choices: they can either get a lawyer at their own expense, or do as they say on D.D. Form 293 and consult the American Legion, VFW, or for a homosexual offense or on a pot charge, there organizations might assist you. More realistically, I would suggest that you contact the ACLU or the nearest Gay Liberation group in your area. I would also appreciate correspondence with anyone who has been less than honorable discharged. Hopefully, VVAW may be of some assistance. Please write, Vince, c/o this paper/

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