From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Down on the Farm

By Marsh Harrell

We as Vietnam Veterans have felt the need to establish an R&R Center for returnees and others who need a break in the hussle, bussle of city life. Most of us living here are ex-city dwellers with the guidance of ex-GI farmers to develop the land. We have about 100 acres leased land from a WWII Vet who's sympathetic to ex-GI problems. We are using the center as a relief of stress rather than for political organizations of the GI Movement.

Leave the war in the city and learn to love the land. All sorts of building materials and equipment are pouring in and we are finding a function for everything. Here's a change to clean out your garages and get rid of that "Procrastination".

Need turning on to all those hard to find facts about GI Rights and Benefits available thru VOC. Rehab., VA, Model City and others? Need a place to live, solitude? Escape from the city and oppression? Come relax around the evening campfire and sip some well water or whatever and watch some films.

Last week a guy towed his old car out here (two vets now have a new home). A couple of old pieces of plywood are the newest addition to the barn floor.

When you come leave the problems and oppressions of the city/Vietnam behind. Make the farm your DMZ. You might have a place here. Drop us a line at the R&R Center Farm, Chesapeake, Virginia. The number is: (703) 487-1417. Additional projects and workshops welcome!

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