From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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United We Stand

By Arnold Stieber

He had to go. He had to be there. He had to hear these young folks, and support them. He beamed the entire way as we drove from Michigan to Silver Springs.

Bob Davis is a WWII vet. He was in the Battle of the Bulge. He has a Purple Heart. He spent most of his working career in the government. His last position was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor. And now, all these years later, he was on his way to the Labor College to hear the stories and share emotions with veterans whose parents weren't born when Bob was in the military.

Bob's new hip allowed him to volunteer for the registration desk. He beamed as he helped welcome everyone. When he wasn't working the desk he attended every session. He was amazed at the organization of the events and the focus and presentation skills of the testifiers.

Bob says, "As one who survived World War II (the so-called 'Good War,' but just as bad as any war before or since) and one who has been tagged as being part of the 'Greatest Generation' (unwarranted hyperbole), I am in awe of those truly brave men and women of IVAW whom I listened to for four days in the middle of March. I salute them for their courage in speaking their truth about the evil and the horrors of the wars and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. I salute them for their passion and energy and commitment to the task of bringing the occupations of those two countries to an end immediately. I salute them for their recognition of the depth of evil and greed in those in this country who are responsible for initiating this holocaust and who refuse to bring it to an end. I am proud to be working beside IVAW in our war for, not against, humanity."

Arnold Stieber is the VVAW Michigan contact, a father, and businessperson.
He served in the Army, 52nd Infantry, Viet Nam, 1/1970 - 3/1971.

Arnold Steiber at Winter Soldier

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