From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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New Ohio Chapter Is On The Move

By Bill Reynolds

Bill Reynolds

Through the organizing efforts of the Southeastern Ohio chapter of VVAW, the area is fast becoming a hotbed of anti-war activity. They are educating the community about the mission of VVAW and IVAW and spreading the word about Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan. The Southeastern Ohio VVAW chapter and the Mid-Ohio Valley Peace Initiative have sponsored two coffeehouses, with good food, drink and music, and some impassioned and articulate speakers. The most recent coffeehouse on March 1 was a fundraiser for Winter Soldier. Poets, speakers and musicians provided a wide variety of great music and thoughtful words on the current situation in the Middle East. VVAW National Coordinator Marty Webster spoke eloquently about the original Winter Soldier investigation and gave a passionate presentation on the importance of the testimony of veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan that took place in Washington.

The event was a big success. It was the first time some of the participants had ever taken part in an anti-war event. People came from across the Ohio river in West Virginia, and as far away as Pittsburgh, to raise money for a good cause. The beauty of it was that it gave many participants something concrete they could do to further the cause. It may simply have been to get on stage and play a song or read some poetry, but it constituted that first important act of getting together with like-minded people and taking one small step.

All the funds raised went to the national IVAW office to help with Winter Soldier. With that under our belts, a few weeks later our town was blessed with the arrival of VVAW member Bill Homans, aka Watermelon Slim, who came to play at the local blues festival, sporting a VVAW button on his jacket. Slim taught himself to play upside-down left-handed slide guitar in a hospital bed in Vietnam. Nearly forty years later he is a phenomenal blues man. After the show he was approached by two of the more dedicated local activists, who are willing to put in long, grueling hours at blues shows and late-night parties to further the cause. When asked if he would be interested in returning to the area to do a benefit gig for VVAW, Slim expressed great enthusiasm.

Mark your calendars: On August 3, Watermelon Slim and the Workers will be playing at the Front Row in Parkersburg, WV. All proceeds will go to VVAW. Local folk legend Mike Morningstar will open the show. Earlier in the day, there will be a barbeque and gathering for Ohio VVAW and IVAW members and supporters at the home of local VVAW contact Bill Reynolds.

Other events planned for this area include an interfaith Memorial Day service at the Peace Memorial outside Parkersburg, WV. The memorial consists of a display of crosses, one for each US service member killed in Iraq. Leaders of various faiths with gather at this site to remember those who have given their lives and to consider the true cost of war. In addition, Marty Webster is planning a forum on the campus of Ohio University in Athens during the month of May.

For more information about these events, contact Lynn Cady of the Mid-Ohio Valley Peace Initiative (740-374-2969) or Bill Reynolds (740-350-0316). For tickets to the Watermelon Slim show, call the Front Row at 304-422-7655. Be advised, this show may sell out early. All VVAW and IVAW members interested in attending should contact Marty Webster at 513-349-4413. See you there.

Bill Reynolds is a local historian and resident of Watertown, Ohio.
He served in Vietnam and is the VVAW contact for southeastern Ohio and northern West Virginia.
Lynn Cady, of the Mid-Ohio Valley Peace Initiative, also contributed to this article.

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