From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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From the National Office

By Barry Romo

VVAW is really proud of our part in supporting Iraq Veterans Veterans Against the War (IVAW) with their own Winter Soldier Investigation: Iraq & Afghanistan. You will see the articles about the event in this issue. It's good to be needed in our "old age." We organized security for the event; we're proud of the fact that we hauled off a right wing nut who tried to disrupt the event as well as a couple of "friendlies" who didn't feel the rules set up by security applied to them.

But we need more from VVAW members and supporters. We will be holding Memorial and Veterans Day events. We should remind the country that the war is not over, that the conflict is not looking up, and, quite frankly, whoever wins the presidency must be reminded that on January 21, 2009 the war goes from being Bush's War to being McCain, Clinton, or Obama's War. We will not give the next President a honeymoon as long as people are dying.

Check out the VVAW Store on line. We have some new stuff that we are selling, including a VVAW flag. If you are out there alone and don't have someone else to hold a banner, the flag can announce your presence.

Finally, we want to thank Katha Pollitt of The Nation for asking people to support us last December. A good number of people responded to her call.

Barry Romo is a national coordinator of VVAW.

Bobby Muller and Barry Romo at Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan

Kelly Daugherty and Barry Romo
at the Winter Soldier and the Legacy of GI Resistance panel

Bill Davis with his daughter, Becky

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