From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Spirit of the First Casualty


It is rather extraordinary how men must plot and combine and negotiate to tell the truth. The 1st Casualty is a product of this phenomenon, and proof positive that the truth always comes out, somewhere, sometime. Always. The 1st Casualty is the official organ of VVAW. It's function is to describe and explain what is and has been happening, to convey the philosophy and policy of VVAW and ultimately to raise consciousness of the reader so as to enable us collectively through our life style, politics and social awareness to affect the change embodied in the nine objectives of VVAW and so badly needed in our country. The 1st Casualty is not intended to be exclusively didactic, rhetorical, dialectical or ideological in it's presentation. It is not meant to be entertaining and it does not presume to print all the news that should be printed. However, it will not be without humor. It most certainly will print a great deal of the news that has not been printed. And, above all it will through the revealing of the Truth be educational.

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