From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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A Viable VVAW

By Al Hubbard

ANYLYZE - Political Motivations The Pentagon Papers definitively demonstrated that there exists no relationship between truth and news released by government officials. The real story often remains hidden in some official's secret agenda file. Sometimes the government has already done one thing before it gets around to informing us that it is planning to do the exact opposite. The government is a haven for lawyers who tend to be long on rhetoric and legalism but short on thorough analysis and social action. The government has become enveloped in the mystique of the fine print and things are often not what they seem.

INDENTITY - The Signals of Social Distress Dictatorships throughout the world, increasing arrests and persecution of political dissenters, censorship of the mass media, governments that are not responsive to the people. Arms shipments to right-wing governments abroad, machine guns and armored cars in Cairo, Illinois, wounded and dead people everywhere. Massive drug addiction problems involving an estimated 40,000 military men in Vietnam and an estimated 250,000 here in America. Napalm being dropped on children in Indochina, rats biting children in the American ghettoes, brutalization and inhumanity in both areas.

DEMONSTRATE - The Process of Brotherhood and Love Through Your Life Style. Refuse to put property before people. Share what you have with brothers and sisters who have less. Resist the war in every way possible, and when you do, be prepared to put your own body on the line. Become involved with others in your community and remember that you have been a member of the community for a long time whereas you were in Vietnam for a relatively short time. Your roots will always be in your community even if you are reading this in Nam. Don't get hung up on being a veteran.

EDUCATE - Yourself First and then Your Brothers and Sisters Everywhere. Pass on what you know from your own experience. Organize those who sympathize with humanitarian objectives by sharing what you know about expressing those objectives so that they can pass that knowledge on to others. Bear in mind ahat the most effective way to show anything to another person is to serve as an example in action. Don't go off on an ego trip and fancy yourself a leader possessed of inherently superior abilities. Nobody can relate to an elitist. It's very obvious to everyone that someone who is really hung up on his own ego is not really concerned about other people but only manipulates them for his own self-glorification. Strive for a truly revolutionary consciousness. You?ll know you?re there if you can honestly say that you don't want anything for yourself except the respect and love of the people around you.

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