From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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September poem and porn (poem)

By Horace Coleman

J'ever notice?
How stay at homes
best stay the course?
How easy it is to bear
the suffering of others if
you've never felt that weight,
been in that state,
lived that fate,
don't look at,
listen to or
encounter the troops
(unless they're
in a parade
or at a funeral)?

While they steam and dream
of being home to stay,
sleeping through the night
(or even during the day)
without a piece under the pillow,
a blade beside the bed, with
some one who's loving and at
ease about being next to them—
or whatever floats their boat.

J'ever notice?
How those who wear no uniform,
except Chicken Hawk feathers,
know exactly what norm people
in cammies should swarm to?
J'ever notice how no lever
ever gets them
out of that chair to
find the facts hiding
behind their backs?


- Horace Coleman

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