From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Here We Grow Again

By Marty Webster

Since our last issue we have appointed four new regional contacts. "Welcome Home"guys and welcome to our VVAW family.

Veterans for America President and former VVAW activist Bobby Muller spent
two days at Utah Valley State College in Orem, Utah to talk on the human
costs of war. Utah VVAW members Larry Chadwick and Rick Miller welcomed
Bobby, along with Vietnam vet Dr. Robert Littlehale.
(photo by VVAW member Aaron Davis)

Dana W. Hall
San Jose, California

Dana has resided in San Jose, California since 1999 when he relocated from Redding. He has a 22 year old son living in San Francisco, and a 23 year old daughter living in Redding. Prior to 1999, he managed an engineering and construction firm in Redding for a period of 15 years. He specialized in water resources. Prior to that he worked for two engineering firms after college graduation in 1980.

Dana enlisted in the USMC from high school for three years. Initially trained for radio repair, he received schooling in power generators when he arrived in country. He served TAD from 1stFLC DaNang installing remote power generating equipment. Dana also served in I Corp from 10-26-70 thru 04-08-71. Dana attended Shasta JC and California State University at Northridge between 1974 and 1980 utilizing the GI Bill. Dana attended the VVAW 40th Anniversary in Chicago recently, and said, "I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed the 40th, being a part of it was the most important thing that has happened in my life in quite awhile."

Michael Burke
Atlanta, Georgia

Long Island native, Michael Burke, has resided in Atlanta almost 30 years. He's currently semi-retired from print publishing and working as a travel-writing team with his wife, Renee. Presently, they are completing their eighth book together on Georgia retirement places.

Until his Vietnam 1968-69 combat tour of duty, Mike was a career Army enlisted man, serving for almost 10-years, with tours of duty in Germany, Korea and Vietnam. He served in-country as an Infantry Operations and Intelligence NCO and was assigned to MACV IV Team 65 in Sadec Province in the Mekong Delta. He was awarded a Bronze Star and Combat Infantryman's Badge.

Michael and Renee Burke have been peace activists for as long as they've been married, some 35 years now. They helped re-form the Peace Network at UUCA in Atlanta in 2002, prior to the invasion of Iraq. In addition to his VVAW membership, Burke is also a member of Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition, Veterans For Peace and Vietnam Veterans of America, Atlanta Chapter 883.

William Reynolds
Southeastern Ohio

After Bill finished at Kent State in 1970, he enlisted as a CO and did a tour of duty (1970-71) in "the great hot house," as he calls it, where he served as an Army Combat Medic.

He helped start the local chapter of Vietnam Veterans of America and has worked at a local museum. Bill lives in Waterford, Ohio near Athens, Ohio site of Ohio University. Bill will be working with our VVAW members at Ohio University and the surrounding area. Bill will also be organizing in the Parkersburg, West Virginia area. Bill and some of our members from Ohio University are planning a joint venture with the Ohio Valley Regional Chapter in Cincinnati. Following the event there will be a getting to know each other BBQ.

Aaron Davis
Salt Lake City, Utah

Those who have read the last issue of The Veteran, will recall that Aaron Davis is no stranger to anti-war organizing in Salt Lake City and the surrounding areas in Utah. Aaron has been involved in Veterans outreach in Salt Lake City from 2003 to the present. He is a Vietnam era veteran, has been active with the GI Rights Hotline since November 2006, and is in the process of formulating a local VVAW GI Rights outreach.

In the past four years Aaron has facilitated 30 classroom presentations (including psychology, human behavior and development, and history classes) at the Salt Lake Community College and the Utah Valley State College. He has helped sponsor and table Sir, No Sir!, Winter Soldier, and Inside Iraq on several occasions. Aaron organized four protests when Bush visited the AL and VFW conventions. He has helped organize five forums at the university of Utah and Utah Valley State College. Aaron has also helped to organize and participate in three rallies, four marches, and four dinners.

Vietnam Veterans Against the War in Salt Lake City, Utah will kick off its initial "We're Back Campaign"and will lead the Fall Mobilization march from the state capital to the city-county building. VVAW member and Vietnam Vet, Larry Chadwick, will speak at the rally following the march. Larry goes back a long way with VVAW, and organized with Jack McCloskey on the west coast years ago. The event, organized by the Wasatch Coalition for Peace and Justice, and We the People, will begin at the state capital at noon October 27, 2007 with a march past the federal building to the city-county building. VVAW members will have a table at the event and pass out information on IVAW, veterans outreach, the GI Rights Hotline, and depleted uranium. Aaron can be reached at the GI Rights Hotline (801) 556-0599 or e-mail

Marty Webster is a VVAW National Coordinator.

VVAW Kentuckiana members (l-r) Edison Farmer, Carol Rawert Trainer, and Harold Trainer

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