From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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My Tribute to My Husband Bill Davis

By Joan Davis

First of all I need to thank Jeff Machota and all those who keep the VVAW website going. The death of Bill was easier to bear being able to read the comforting words from so many of you. The sense of community forged from forty years of struggle has ebbed and flowed but was there when Becky and I needed it most.

Rather than recap Bill's achievement to the anti-war and peace movement I would rather try to explain why he was able to make such great contributions. Bill had the ability to work with all kinds of people because he truly loved people. While too often those on the left became consumed with petty differences, Bill chose to overlook minor differences and helped everyone look at the big picture. He was also able to do this with his own life. Choosing to balance political work, union work and his family required an understanding that change will not happen over night. Bill taught me to stay focused, stay balanced, and stay positive - without these attributes people will not be able to be in the struggle for the long haul. Bill lived a life of meaning, helping so many people in some many ways. If we all learn by his example we will create a world of peace and justice.

Bill Davis at VVAW's 40th Anniversary, August 4, 2007

John Lindquist, Omar Cabezas and Bill Davis in Nicaragua, 1986

Bill Davis with Mayor Harold Washington in Chicago, 1983

Bill Davis at Memorial Day in Chicago, 1999

Bill Davis leading the march at Kent State 20th Anniversary, 1990

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