From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Slim Review

By Bob Riggle (reviewer)

Watermelon Slim & the Workers
The Wheelman
(Northern Blues, 2007)

What a pleasant surprise to find a copy of the newest cd from Watermelon Slim and the Workers recently in my PO Box. I hope Slim (a.k.a. Bill Homans) was paying these guys overtime. It was only six months ago The Veteran reviewed his last one. And constantly on tour also? Way to stay busy guys. A special thanks to Bill for providing his own personal copy so this review could be possible.

If you like harp and piano you'll want to check this latest work. Homan's has included much more harp work than either of his last two cds. Very special guest David Maxwell on piano provides some fanciful ivory tickling on I've Got News and especially so on Newspaper Reporter. Slim gets some of the cd's best harp licks off on this cut also.

In the cut Black Water there is a sharp contrast between the short edgy, syncopated strokes of the rhythm guitar against the vibrato-like chords of the dobro slide guitar. A great background to the lyrics where Slim is highly critical of the lack of concern or care for victims of hurricanes by the Pols. Took me a while to totally black out the music and focus on the message.

The title cut Wheel Man gets the cd off to an eye opening upbeat start with some good guitar work from very special guest Magic Slim as he and Homans trade licks. Magic Slim also provides backing vocals throughout the cd.

While not credited I do believe he performs the short but great guitar solo on Rattlesnake. Probably the best hot guitar lick on the cd.

A lot of images came to my mind while listening to Peaches. Some very soulful harp licks gave this cut such a slinky and sexual mood as I pictured Peaches "strolling and clearing the aisles like a mako shark." Made me feel like a lecherous lounge lizard. I hope that was the intended effect.

Time for my favorite part of these reviews. Best road trip tune. That would be Truck Driving Mama. Problem is I'd pick it as best dance song also. If I were a dancing person! There is just enough of a subdued salsa rhythm there that for some reason creates this vision of a small, dark club with a bunch of bikers doing some kind of cowboy swing-rumba. Buy the cd and see what you come up.

Bill Homans (Watermelon Slim) is a 2004 W.C. Handy Blues Award nominee, a VVAW contact in Oklahoma and fresh off an appearance at the Milwaukee Blessing of the Bock and points everywhere.

Bob Riggle has been a VVAW member since 1971. He is currently the VVAW Chapter Contact from Cave Creek, AZ.

Watermelon Slim and the Workers at the 2007 Milwaukee Beerfest

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