From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Retiring from Wage Work/Ramping Up Real Work

By Hannah Frisch

Sometimes people think the graying of our organization means a lessening of energy and activism. They aren't looking at the silver lining (pun intended). We actually have an opportunity for an activist renaissance as more of our members reach retirement age.

We are already benefiting from retirements. A number of our most active leaders are retired or on disability. Retired members head our two new chapters. One of these individuals, Marty Webster, said, "I realized I was getting older and there was a void in my life. I wanted to play a bigger role. It has been exciting and gratifying. I also feel an obligation not to abandon the next generation of veterans the way we were abandoned by older vets. It's giving me a purpose in life. It's real."

If retired and about-to-retire members want to compare notes, one opportunity to do this face-to-face would be at the 40th Anniversary. If you are interested in such a small group discussion—probably on Sunday morning—make a note on your registration form. Please also contact me at

Hannah Frisch is a member of VVAW's National staff.

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