From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Semper Fidelis?

By P. Stewall

Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful. If you ever spent 3 months in either the Paris Island or the San Diego Marine Corps Recruit Depot (boot camp) you already know what this means. Or do you? I thought I did for the many years since the glorious day of my discharge. But over the past few years I have been wondering what it really means to say that to my fellow Marines, as we do almost robotically at the discovery of our common pasts at one of those infamous boot camps.

Always - forever.

Faithful - loyal.

Forever loyal to what, or to whom? Well, there can be differing answers.

Many will say it's loyalty to the Corps. That's what we're taught and I heartily agree. Well, maybe not heartily, hell maybe I don't agree at all. Ollie North, one of the (in)famous Marines of my generation would say it's loyalty to the Corps. But who was, or is, he really loyal to? His Commander in Chief? His fellow Marines? His Country? Truth, Justice and the American Way? Well, there can be differing answers.

Who is more loyal to his fellow marines? One who would blindly follow orders without regard to morality? One who would cover up crimes to protect his superiors? And why? For greed? Out of cowardice? Or, one who refuses to follow the orders to participate in torturing innocents and murdering civilians? One who would fight to end an unjust war and bring his fellow Americans home? And again, why? The Golden Rule? Because something was learned from the Nuremburg trials?

I proudly say "Semper fidelis!" to those who refuse to be murderers and torturers of innocent civilians. These are the true heroes who have the courage to risk prison and ostracism to do what is right. Soldiers, sailors, airmen, and civilian friends in the peacemaking community are all certainly worthy of our loyalty forever. These are America's patriots, supermen and superwomen who fight for Truth, Justice and the American Way.

As for Ollie North? To paraphrase Lloyd Benston, I have met true American heroes and Mr. North isn't my hero, even if he pretends to be a Superman. He lied (though not nearly as much as our current administration did to get our faithful young Americans into the current quagmire) not for you or me, he lied for the scoundrels profiting from war. No, Ollie & his ilk do not deserve loyalty but shame. Forever.

So let me clarify what I mean when I say, "Semper Fidelis," for I will not be forever loyal, definitely not, to those who act criminally. I will always be faithful to my fellow advocates for peace-even if they never went to boot camp. Semper Fidelis! And peace to all.

P. Stewall is a Chicago area member of VVAW and a Marine.

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