From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Sheldon Ramsdell Archives

By Linda Alband

I have recently set up an archive for Sheldon "Shelly" Ramsdell at Cornell University. I am requesting that anyone with Ramsdell-related items consider sending them on to Cornell when it is convenient.

Shelly's archives are far flung. My goals for this effort are two fold: (1) To gather as much as possible at Cornell, and (2) to put the Cornell archivist in touch with other extant collections (McGovern collection, McCarthy collection, No. California LGBT Historical Society, etc.) I am also working with his family regarding securing potential archival holdings that they may have.

Overall, I am trying to create a comprehensive picture of his work through this collection "network." At some point, if I am able to find key pieces, perhaps I can raise some money to begin a non-profit book project based on his photography with any proceeds going to support organizations like VVAW, the Alexander Hamilton and Bob Basker American Legion Posts, AIDS education organizations, etc.

Please contact me directly with any questions, suggestions of people I should contact regarding Ramsdell archival materials, or to obtain information on sending materials to Cornell. Cornell will reimburse you for any shipping-related expenses.


Linda Alband
Executor, Sheldon H. Ramsdell Estate

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