From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Milwaukee Standdown

By Bob Riggle

Milwaukee VVAW attempts to assist the Chicago Standdown as much as possible. We also work with the Milwaukee Standdown Coalition. Though Milwaukee doesn't serve the large numbers of veterans that Chicago sees, there is obviously still a need for the service.

The Milwaukee version of the Standdown is shorter, and nowhere near the size of those in Chicago. The format is the same. Feed 'em, bathe 'em, clothe 'em. Provide health and dental care, perhaps a haircut. A judge is available for any legal problems. Assist with an income tax refund. We hope to give them a hand and perhaps even some guidance in their lives.

Milwaukee's biannual events are single days each September and February. VVAW works with the Milwaukee VVA chapter to provide what is known as a hospitality table. Small items like writing tablets, pens, stamps and some toiletries are provided along with other things like paperback books and playing cards.

The Milwaukee Standdown is still held in the National Guard Armory. The local Colonel fought his way up the chain of command throughout the 9-11 paranoia to open his facility and help homeless veterans.

There's a good feeling after these events, especially when we see the numbers of veterans and families who get help. In September '03 over 200 vets came through. In February '04 there were 157. Is this progress? We can only hope.

Bob Riggle is the VVAW Milwaukee contact and a member of VVAW's Milwaukee chapter.

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