From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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By John Bromer (reviewer)

by Richard Pettus
(Black Rose Writing, 2017)

"Dragonshead," by Harold Richard Pettus, is the story of Adam, a genetically-engineered "boy of the future," who shows up as the world is on the brink of nuclear war to enlighten mankind as to what that war will bring about. It's an interesting concept for a story. Unfortunately, the book is self-published, which means no proofreading and no editing, both of which it sorely needs. Written by a member of Mensa, (and VVAW), it is a difficult read, with lengthy, labored expositions from Adam as he speaks down to the leaders of the world, apparently echoing the author's own thoughts. Needless to say, the world leaders are not impressed, indeed suspicious, until Adam lets matters go too far. In this reviewer's opinion, the book is overlong and hifalutin. Almost every page literally has misspelled words and grammatical errors. I forced myself to finish it. Not recommended, at least by me.

John Bromer, a VVAW member, is a Vietnam-era veteran. He lives in Black Mountain, NC, with his wife and nearby sons.

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