From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Letters to VVAW


THE VETERAN welcomes letters, comments and criticisms. Please write. Also, send along any poetry, drawings, photos or stories you would like to see in the paper.

I am a Dominican Republic vet was discharged from active duty in June 1966. Last month I received a letter from the VA informing me that my educational benefits were cut. And also that because of an overpayment, I owe Uncle $am 870.20. Because of this my education may be finished. I'm 30 years old and can't afford to go back to school. I'm not the only one--3.7 million had the axe of the capitalist lowered on them: 3.7 million! If we can UNITE and let them know "we won't fight another rich man's war," we'll get the GI Bill expanded, we'll get better medical treatment at the VA Hospital; the only thing that's slowing us down is that not enough vets are speaking out: Let's get together and "get them off our backs!"

VVAW, Philly

"Can't do much at a ramshackle 81 years except send you a small check and applause. Over the radio I hear you protesting in righteous wrath--was it at some Memorial Day observance in all its hypocrisy?--and found your address when you were VVAW/Winter Solider Organization. I am glad to have your new address. People like me who have always opposed war as being not only a crime against humanity but clearly idiotic (except from the viewpoint of those who amass wealth from its slaughter) are considered dimwitted. Veterans who have been through the dirty business can hardly be doubted. All success to you."

(Enclosed in the letter is a quote from Brig. Gen. Evans Carlson, written to a friend shortly before his death: "I BURN UP when I think of all the good guys who went out and got killed to protect the right of a handful of SOBs to make more money for themselves.")

Dorchester, Mass.

"Bravo! I'm a 'little old lady in tennis shoes' and can't come to Philadelphia but I'll be with you in spirit."

I hope this insignificant contribution can help. I would like to join your organization and am enclosing a self-addressed stamped envelope for necessary info. I am a Nam vet and would like to be a participating member of VVAW. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Acworth, Georgia

P.S. Give them hell on 4 July; wish I could be there.

"Sorry it can't be more--I've been on strike for 9 months and have had to work at a 'temporary' job during that time."

Washington, DC

"25 cents plus stamps from a poor, pensionless coal miner who gets appeals from all over."

Windber, PA

The above letters were received by VVAW in Philadelphia in response to a mailing which talked about the July 1-4 demonstrations.

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