From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Community College: N. Virginia


This summer vets at Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC) are finding out just what the VA meant when they talk about conducting a "Review" of all vets on the GI Bill. In July the Washington DC papers started running articles on how 1900 vets at NVCC had supposedly collected almost $2 million too much last year. These 1900 vets are all about to be cut off the GI Bill until the VA gets the money back. From there, the newspapers started talking about over which of them was going to be responsible for trying to make the vets repay the money. The vets who had the school doors slammed shut in their faces were all but lost in the shuffle.

But vets at NVCC are angry at this attack. Whoever wins or loses that argument between the school and the VA is bound to catch hell trying to squeeze any money out of these vets. As it said in a VVAW leaflet circulating at NVCC, "We don't think we have to sit back and take this or any other attack the rich throw at us. We think we can unite and fight back. Just like the 25,000 vets did at the Bonus March in 1932 when they just about took over D.C. demanding their World War I Bonus money and work or wages for everybody."

We've all heard about long, hot summers. Well, if the VA goes through with their plans to slice 1900 vets off the Bill, we'll try to put the heat on them not only all summer but fall, winter, and spring too.


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