From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Memories of Dave

By Bill Shunas

I made the following remarks (approximately) at a memorial for Dave Curry at Quenchers in Chicago in July.

Like many of you I sometimes associate some people with a certain tune. For Dave that song is the Star Spangled Banner. You see, I used to go to Chicago Cub baseball games with Dave, often with Janet and Ellie, where we would invariably sit in the bleachers. As is now SOP before a sporting event, they played the national anthem. The first time we went, Dave explained that if they wouldn't let him vote (he was a convicted felon) he wouldn't stand for their anthem. So, while the thousands of people in the park stood, Dave sat, and we sat with him as the salute played.

Now I don't know what your opinion of the politics of the Star Spangled Banner are, but as a piece of music it sucks. It drags on for what - three and a half minutes or more. And in Wrigley Field the flag is on the scoreboard which is behind where we would sit. And that meant that everyone would be looking our way as we sat, thousands and thousands and thousands of pairs of eyes looking at us. And I swear they would drag that anthem on for thirteen and a half minutes. It was most uncomfortable, but Dave was a man of principle, so we sat every time.

So now, when I sit down in front of the TV to watch the Cubs or the Bulls, the Star Spangled Banner will start. And, if Ellie doesn't hit the mute button the tune will play, and I'll remember Dave.

Bill Shunas is a Vietnam veteran, author and VVAW member in the Chicago chapter.

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