From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Defending a Woman's Right To Choose: Women's Clinic Defense

By Annie Luginbill

Annie Luginbill,
Chicago Chapter
Steering Committee

Our Bodies, Our Lives, Our Rights to Decide!

This chant and other like it have been ringing out in front of women's clinics on a regular bases, as pro-choice forces escort patients and counter anti-choice zealots. In the last several years, broad coalitions (both official and unofficial) have been formed to do clinic defense, Pro-choice Midwest VVAW members have spent numerous mornings outside womens' clinics, both in Chicago and Milwaukee, defending a woman's right to make her own decisions and to choose abortion.

Clinic defense is an experience that varies every time it is done, depending on what forces are present. Actions have ranged from chanting and counter-picketing the "lifers" to physically blocking their attempts to harass patients entering (or leaving) clinics. Sometimes the "antis" out-number the defenders by large margins, particularly when anti-choice groups specifically target one city or clinic and send their members there from all over.

Milwaukee experienced this during 1992, when "Operation Rescue" and its local affiliate "Missionaries to the Pre-born" declared a summer of attacks on Milwaukee clinics. A number of Milwaukee VVAW members, including Natasha Mansur, Fred Wallace, Muriel Hogan, and John Zutz, as well as Chicago VVAW members Annie Luginbill and Bill Branson woke early in the morning not only on Saturdays but during the week. This was necessary to be at one of their clinics by 5:30am. On those days when the "antis" outnumbered the defenders, the atmosphere was one of an outdoor circus. The entire spectrum of "born-again anti-choice Christians" (known to some clinic defenders as 'the droolers and spitters') was represented. The included a man carrying a cross with a Cabbage Patch doll bungi-corded to it, and anti-choice male clergy (with attendant sychopantic church ladies). The families with little 'fetus'-button wearing kids who cared so little about their children (since they were born already) that they continually required reminding by the pro-choice people that said children were running in the streets, playing in the parking lots, or balancing on loading dock railings. Then there were the professional "praying kids" — the ones who were earning summer job money by being paid for being arrested at clinics.

In Milwaukee, VVAW people took turns being "gate" between the lines of defenders and the clinics, pivoting to let patients in. Some served as "site leaders" and acted as liaisons between the clinic defenders and the police department. For many of us it was an interesting change to be on the same side of the question as the police. We had to invent new chants because of this. When the "antis" leaped the police barricades and ran pell-mell for the clinic doors, knowing they would be arrested and taken to the Milwaukee Armory for processing, we chanted "Drive yourselves to the Armory; save our cops some energy" or " We're with you, boys in blue." As police buses rolled up to take the arrestees away, the "lifers" heard us shout "Your bus is here; it's time to go..your bus is here; it's time to go." Every time we started the chant "Hey, we have choice; oh yes we do; hey, we have choice; now how "bout you?" a woman in the Milwaukee Police Tactical Squad literally danced in the parking lot in time to the chanting!

During the "siege of Milwaukee," there were also many good days when clinic defenders greatly outnumbered attackers. On these days, the world Without Religion Foundation folks (who knew absolutely no fear) took on the "antis" verbally. Even when massively outnumbered (tactically) they passed out 'non-tracts' exposing the fallacies of religious/Christian opposition to abortion. The spirited pro-choice chanting and singing drowned out the praying and hymns of the "antis." The fake fetuses, manufactured by a Chicago mold maker who also manufactures body parts for the movies, were completely obscured by signs reading "Keep Abortion Safe and Legal" or "Cheeseheads for Choice." Most importantly, all clinics stated open, and all patients were served.

Clinic defense has continued in Milwaukee as well as Chicago and other cities during the fall and winter, since the anti-choice forces have not given up and gone away. Their numbers are smaller, but they are just as obnoxious. Small groups of "antis" continue to harass clinic-going patients on a regular basis. Rather, the "lifers" are biding their time until the anniversary of the Roe V. Wade decision, when attacks on clinics nationwide are threatened.

[Since this article was submitted, a Doctor was murdered by a fanatic "anti" in Florida. Noxious chemicals are being dumped inside clinics in a continuing conspiracy to attack clinics and the patients who use them. ed.]

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