From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Vietnam Veterans Radio Network


VVRN began "transmitting from liberated territory (VVAW Firebase KC), behind the lines of hypocrisy and revisionism (Missouri Country)" in July of 1989: within eighteen months VVRN was being transmitted from community, university, and non-commercial radio stations in the U.S., Canada, and Europe; and now, VVRN is being transmitted around the world via Radio For Peace International (RFPI).

Dedicated to Peace and Justice, RFPI is the only station of this kind in the world... and independent, non-commercial, and world-wide shortwave radio station broadcasting (since 1987) to the global community from the campus of the University of Peace (created by the United Nations) in Santa Ana, Costa Rica. RFPI's programming (English, Spanish, German and more to be added) covers a wide range of topics, including: Conflict resolution; peace education; personal growth and development; environmental issues; world hunger; social justice; and human rights. The following are a few examples of RFPI programs:

RFPI broadcasts VVRN's transmissions on Wednesdays at 1530 and 2330 Military Time (that's 3:30 pm and again at 11:30 pm Central Standard Time for you FNGs out there, and/or 2130 and 0530 Universal Coordinated Time on the following frequencies: 15.030 AM (24 hours); and 7,375 AM (24 hours).

Be heard around the world... all VVAW members and friends are urged to send their thoughts on any topic (using audio cassette or reel-to-reel tape) to VVAW/VVRN, 7807 N. Avalon, K.C., MO 64152.

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