From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Say No To War In The Middle East



We face grave danger today. Despite massive opposition to war, President Bush has launched a devastating military offensive against Iraq. With the technology available, including chemical and nuclear weapons, war will mean thousands of deaths, untold suffering and long term economic disaster for people world wide.

Operation Desert Shield has already cost over $70 million a day while programs to provide housing, education, health care and jobs and to combat poverty, AIDS, drug addiction and environmental pollution are inadequate and being cut back. Many Vietnam veterans still suffer from post traumatic stress, are homeless and don't have decent jobs. Agent Orange victims are still denied treatment and compensation while VA benefits and services are being slashed. Instead of our tax dollars being used to deal with the urgent social problems we have at home, they are being used to finance death and destruction abroad. Rather than helping veterans of past ward, the government is creating another generation scarred by combat.

Bush says this will not be "another Vietnam." But Vietnam taught us that we have neither the right nor the ability to be the policeman of the world. Now, less than twenty years later, our sons and daughters are being sent to kill and be killed for similarly misguided policies by another trigger happy President. As citizens, we have both the right and the responsibility to speak out in protest. As veterans, we have seen this happen before and cannot let it happen again. It is betrayal of our servicemen and women to sacrifice their lives for oil profits and a feudal monarchy. We support our troops and believe that the best way to do that is to bring them home!

Our only hope of stopping this war is through massive action. The U.N. Security Council gave Bush his deadline for death. The US Congress gave him a virtual declaration of war. The only obstacle that remains is the people of this country who are against this military madness. Now is the time to take it to the streets.

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