From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Dear Mr. Zastrow,

Thank you for your recent letter. Your points are well taken, and I too am disappointed that WBBM conveyed that "peace activists" were, in some way, not supporters of the troops stationed in the Mideast.

Over the past month, I have discussed this issue at length with my staff, and from the beginning we have tried to separate the two groups as "peace activists" and "supporters of the President's policy." Again, I regret that you heard a report where this was not clear.

Thank you again for taking the time to write. I trust that you will not hear this error again.

Chris Berry
Director, News and Programming
February 7, 1991

Dear Vets,

I appreciate very much your efforts. What you are doing lends credibility to the anti-war movement. I attended the peace rally in DC on January 26, but none of your group got around collecting my money. I have always supported peace, but having a loved one over there makes it much stronger.

My beautiful daughter, a very kind, compassionate person, third in her high school graduating class, with everything going for her and with her whole life ahead of her is now in Saudi Arabia as cannon fodder. All the troops, on both sides, are someone's beautiful sons and daughters and loved ones. I was personally devastated when I heard the war had begun, but I am also devastated for the rest of the troops and their families who are being sacrificed by Bush.

Please let us keep together to support world peace, and even should this end quickly, let us keep supporting peace for the future of the world.

As one of the newspaper reporters quoted following the Washington demonstration, "They are average Americans. Many people carried flags, and everyone made it a point to emphasize that we supported the troops—but we wanted them to come home alive."

I don't think the administration has prepared the American people for the possible consequences of this war, and they may not be willing to accept them. Already the damage in human, environmental and monetary terms is beyond comprehension. We need to work together to stop this now.

Barbara Esposito
Rock Stream, NY

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