From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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VVAW Needs Your Bucks!

By John Lindquist

It has been many months (at the least) since you have seen a copy of THE VETERAN. We did not have enough money to get the paper printed, though there was certainly plenty to say.

At a time when war in the Persian Gulf is raging, VVAW has a greater ability than any other group to say: Support Our Troops; Bring Them Home Now—Alive. To get that message out, around the country, takes money which we do not have.

Even when the war in the Persian Gulf ends, there is much work to be done. The vestiges of the Vietnam War remain: vets are homeless, vets are sick, Agent Orange symptoms remain, post traumatic stress ruins lives. The Vietnam War will not end until Vietnam vets and our families no longer suffer from the war.

VVAW has gone to foundations asking for money. We have neither the time nor the resources to investigate all available possible sources for more money. National officers all hold regular jobs, have families and obligations beyond VVAW; none of us get any money from the organization but instead pay for what VVAW needs.

The potential for our organization is large and rich; just informing the next generation of the lessons we have learned is a worthy and vital goal. We cannot hope to approach this potential without funds.

So, we turn to the readers of THE VETERAN for help. We need your tax deductible contribution to VVAW. If you have knowledge or experience in fund-raising, we need you to share your ideas with us. If you have grant-writing talents, we need to borrow your talents.

In return we can only promise that we will use whatever money we get as wisely as we can.

Please help.

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