From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Tour U.S.: Israeli Peace Vets


From May 9 through June 4, 1990, two members of the Israeli veterans peace organization "Yesh Gvul: will be touring the Unites States and Canada. Yesh Gvul, Hebrew for "There is a Limit," is a grass-roots movement of Israeli reserve officers who are refusing to serve beginning of the Palestinian uprising known as the Intifada, one thousand reservists have signed a Letter of Refusal, vowing that they will not participate in repressing the Palestinian uprising. Over 100 reservists have served 1-2 month jail sentences for upholding that vow when called up by the Israeli government to serve in the occupied territories.

Yesh Gvul publishes a Soldier's Guidelines booklet which gives the practical, legal and moral support for soldier considering refusal. They sponsor public meetings and a telephone hot-line for those seeking counseling and advice about refusal. For their efforts, Yesh Gvul has been investigated by the Israeli Security Services. And because of the courageous stand, Yesh Gvul is at the heart of the Israeli peace movement.

The tour is being sponsored by VVAW, Friend of Yesh Gvul, and the International Jewish Peace Union as well as local chapters of New Jewish Agenda. Repressing Yesh Gvul on the tour are Steve Langfur, an immigrant, originally from the U.S. and Hanoch Liveh, born in Isreal. Steve Langfur holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Syracuse University. He has published numerous articles about the situation in the Occupied Territories. Hanoch Liveh whose parents are survivors of the Holocaust, is one of the leading members of Yesh Gvul in Israel.

Yesh Gvul has initialed an "adopt a soldier" program to help raise funds for the families fo reserve soldiers who have refused service in the Occupied Territories. To obtain more information about adopting a soldier, contact:

Friends of Yesh Gvul
1678 Shattuck Ave., Box 6
Berkeley, CA 94709

The tentative dates and locations for the tour are as follows:

May 24 Louisville
May 25, 26 Philadelphia
May 25 Ann Arbor/ Detroit
May 26 Madison
May 27 Minneapolis
May 29, 30 San Francisco
May 29 Washington D.C.
May 30 Atlanta
May 31 Los Angeles
May 31 Miami
June 1, 2 Gainesville
June 2 Tucson
June 3, 4 Denver

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