From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Firebase Carmody: Operation Blanket Hill

By Annie Lugibill

Anne Luginbill
Chicago Chapter VVAW

As midnight on May 3, 1990, approached, I stood at Firebase Carmody, after this candle-lit silent march around the Kent campus; the commemoration was ending and the all-night vigil was about to begin. The names of the 13 students kept running through my mind in a sort of litany. Dave Stiffler (New York) and Mitch Kuhn (Chicago) were on each side of me, in front of the banner reading "VVAW — Operation Blanket Hill — May 3-4, 1990". While we stood in our formation, people began to come and talk with us; the banner attracted attention and photographers took pictures. An older couple in their late 60s or early 70s walked over and told us they were glad that we were there and said that there were more people at this observation that in the past few years. The man then said, "Let me introduce ourselves; I'm Bob Canfora and this is my wife, Marie. We're the parents of Al Canfora." Dave, Mitch, and I told him that we were honored to meet them and to be part of the ceremony. They left soon thereafter, but Mr. Canfora then returned, bringing with him another older man. He introduced the three of us to the newcomer, who said, "I'm pleased to meet you, and I'm glad that you came. I'm the father of Sandra." As he and Mr. Canfora took their leave of us, Mr. Scheuer said, "Perhaps Sandy's death meant that fewer soldiers had to die in Vietnam." I watched them walk away and could not keep the tears from my eyes.

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