From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Kansas City: Vietnam Veterans Television


The VVAW National Office and Vietnam Veterans Television (VVTV), a sister project of the Kansas City Chapter's Vietnam Veterans Radio Network have begun the VVAW VIDEO HISTORY RESTORATION AND ARCHIVAL PROJECT. The Project's overall goals are:

  1. To collect, catalog, store and maintain as complete a film history of VVAW as possible.
  2. To serve as VVAW's film-video restoration and production center.

All VVAW chapters, members and friends are asked to send any videos, films, and "special" still photos they have of VVAW activities to VVTV. VVTV will repair any film damage possible; transfer the videos, films, and photos of 3/4 inch "master" film for the VVAW Video History Archive; and return you original videos, films and photos (restored as needed and it possible) at no charge. The 3/4 inch "master" film can then be transferred onto virtually any video format, including "consumer" VHS.

Please send your videos, films and photos to VVAW/VVTV, 7807 N Avalon, Kansas City, MO 64152. If you have any questions, please call John at (816) 587-5966.

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