From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Kent State 20th Anniversary

By John Lindquist

Join with VVAW

VVAW is looking for a few good men and women to join the organization. Since June, 1967 we have been fighting for peace and justice in Vietnam and around the world and decent benefits for all veterans and we can still use your help.

Friday, May 4th, 1990 is the 20th Anniversary of the take over at Kent State Campus, Ohio over the 1970 Cambodia invasion. Four students were killed, people were wounded and we want to make sure they are not forgotten. Just as we remember the over 58,000 men and women who died during the Vietnam War, as well as the 1,000s since the war. We cannot forget the many student protesters who died trying to end the war.

This year at Kent State University, Ohio, a demo-rally-memorial will be held and VVAW has endorsed it and will participate. The students are fighting for their own memorial on campus to the people who died and the university is fighting them on this. We want to support them and have participated in this annual observance before. In the early 70's there was a strong VVAW chapter at Kent headed by, among other, the late Michael J. Carmody. In his memory we would like to see a strong turnout.

Friday, May 4th, 1990—be there. East Coast and Midwest VVAW are the closest but we need all of you that can come or just send money. John Al Lindquist 1-414-963-0398 will be in tactical leadership so call or write if you want to come. For all of you not yet active in Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Inc., now is a good time to enlist or re-up.

Build VVAW
On to Kent State
John A. Lindquist

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