From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Urgent Vietnam Needs Your Help


Considering the economic problems which faced the U.S. (including the unimaginably huge national debt) as a result of our involvement in the Vietnam War, it should be no surprise that Vietnams is still experiencing economic hardships 15 years after reunification. Refusal of the U.S. to allow normal economic relations with the victor in the Vietnam War intensifies the hardships.

Now Vietnams faces famine as a result both of economic problems and a combination of drought and insects which have cut the rice harvest by as much as one-third (according to official UN estimates). Rice harvests have been falling for the last three years while population climbs. The average Vietnamese will receive only 70% of their normal rice diet—and those of us who were in Vietnam can recall how vital was rice to the diet of the average Vietnamese. In some places it is reported that farmers aren't even healthy enough to harvest the rice in their fields.

When a wealthy country such as the USSR sees that it will run short of grain (as was the case several years ago) it can go into the world market and buy huge quantities. For a poor country, and especially for one in a state of economic isolation, the solution to starvation is not so easy, even a county where the people are accustomed to struggle against man or nature or both.

No matter what one's opinion of the Vietnam War, there is no reason for Vietnamese to starve when simple humanitarian aid would save them. Normal diplomatic and economic relations with Vietnam are only both right and sensible for the U.S. government. Until that happens, there are private charitable organizations which will accept aid to go to Vietnam—the Vietnamese need help and we can help them.

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