From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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20 Years Anniversary Celebration

By Bill Davis

Founded in 1967, VVAW Pioneered
Post Traumatic Stress Rap Groups and
Work on Agent Orange
From the 60's to the 80's
20 Years of Struggle for Veterans, Peace and Justice

Bill Davis
VVAW National Office

On June 13th VVAW celebrated our 20th anniversary and reunion in Chicago, Illinois. The event was not just simply a nostalgic reunion, but a celebration of a vibrant, healthy and fighting anti-war veterans organization.

When the word of plans for the anniversary went out across the country, response was immediate and overwhelming from friends, supporters and members in this country and around the world.

The planning committee set up a pace of activities on the 13th to satisfy the most serious of activists and dedicated party-person—a balance of work and play that has characterized the history of our organization. The activities began with a rally in downtown Chicago at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fountain. The program addressed wars past and battles today in Central America. The list of speakers was brief, to the point, and uniquely, all veterans of different areas.

Following a break for lunch, the celebrants gathered at Bethany United Church on the city's north side for the balance of festivities.

Speakers Frank Ortiz, Vice President of the United Farm Workers of America, Dr Ron Sable fo Chicago, Illinois, Illinois State Representative Ellis B. Levin, Safia Sanchez and member of the Sandinista Youth Movement were interspersed with the music of Jim Wachtendonk, Rick Duvall, and Country Joe McDonald. Steve Hassna and Billy Curmano added their poetry.

William Burke, Chairman of Mayor Harold Washington's Veterans Liaison Committee, read words of greetings from the city of Chicago, and on behalf of the Mayor, presented VVAW with a proclamation naming June 13th, 1987, as Vietnam Veterans Against the War Day in the City of Chicago.

The program was followed by a wonderful meal prepared by VVAW members from Chicago. During the course of the meal VVAW members stepped forward to toast each of the 20 years, speaking of particular demonstrations, activities, or, in some cases, touching moments from our history.

VVAW concluded the "official" activities with a dance with live band ("Stillwater" from West Band, Wisconsin) with Muriel Hogan, longtime VVAW member from Milwaukee sitting in for a couple of numbers.

The past of 20 years have been full of hard, but fruitful work. We returned our medal's to the White House in disgust and anger. We returned to Vietnam as civilians full of goodwill. We focused public attention on the problems we face with Agent Orange and post-traumatic stress. And, of course, we continually deal with these, and other "veterans affairs" in formal organizations and rather informal reunions and rap groups.

Today we continue to fight for peace and justice. Sometimes our efforts have seemed futile and lonely—but could any of us sleep content without having made the effort? So, we joyfully join our brothers and sisters to march for peace and march for justice whether that means an end to apartheid, no intervention in Central America, or domestic social reforms.

With the U.S. government's present foreign policy, VVAW's efforts are directed at stopping U.S. military adventurism, but we go far beyond that: the letters we write to Congress do nothing to help the victims of the current policies. VVAW members and chapters have adopted numerous Nicaraguans orphaned by the Contras. We persist in our support for the struggle for self-determination around the world. And now, veterans of Lebanon, Grenada and Central America are joining in our efforts.

VVAW wishes to express our appreciation for the support we received on our 20th anniversary program.

We wish to thank those who attended for making the program come to life.

We appreciated the support of friends, merchants and organizations who helped to make the event possible.

Specifically we want to thank members of Chicago VVAW for producing the event: Mike for the art work and video; Ray and Ronnie for the ad book; Virg for the marvelous meal; John and Annie (from Milwaukee) for music and literature; and Annie L. of Chicago for her subtle but firm trip on the controls of the event.

We appreciated messages from around the country and the world. Among these were greetings from U.S. residents in Germany, from Graham Bell of the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia, from members of the 2nd Veterans Peace Actions, Concord Naval Weapons Station, California.

Thanks to John Holman, long-time VVAW members with a message from Physicians for Social Responsibility, Washington DC, whose message fell victim to a packed program and hungry crowd,

To the Bill Motto Post #5888, VFW, from Santa Cruz, CA for their patience and understanding on June 13th. Their message:

"Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam,
You've lit the fuse of the
American time bomb.
El Salvador, El Salvador
El Salvador,
We see your war, we know
the score, we'll have no more.
We'll have no more.
We'll have no more.
We'll have no more!
Thanks for all the inspirations, VVAW.
From the guys at Bill Motto VFW Post #5888."

And finally,

"Please receive friendly greetings and wishes from the Vietnamese people on your 20th anniversary. Let your celebration contribute positively to our common struggle for peace, understanding, and friendship.

Vietnam/American Friendship Society

Hanoi, Vietnam"

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