From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Urgent: Don't Let Wayne Felde Die!


There are enough names on the Wall. There are enough names, not on the Wall, of those Vietnam veterans whose deaths since the war was a result of the experience of Vietnam. Now the State of Louisiana wants to add another name, another veteran to the roles of causalities of Vietnam.

Wayne Felde, Vietnam veteran, was scheduled to die in the Louisiana electric chair on the 31st of August. That date was postponed, but not for long.

Wayne was charged, tired and convicted of shooting a Louisiana policeman in 1981. Although testimony showed that Felde got a weapon in order to kill himself, and although there was expert testimony that Felde was suffering from post-traumatic stress at the time of the shooting, he was charged with first degree murder. The trial was hasty. Headline hysteria prevailed. Wayne now sits on Death Row.

If the trial were held today, his defense would have been better: more is known today of the problems that PTSD can cause. For now, however, we must do what we can to try to save Felde.


State House,
Baton Rouge, LA 70804.

Demand that Wayne Felde be given a new trial and that he be treated for the disability he brought home from the war. (For more information contact the Wayne Felde Defense Committee, c/o Brian Guerre, 132 Thompson St #24, New York, NY 10012).

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