From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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There You Go Again


Now we all know that this country does not tolerate unpatriotic and disloyal individuals.
There are penalties for such behavior.
In this country tis of Thee sweet land of liberty, patriotism is rewarded and praised highly.
Without question one is expected to answer the patriotic call of one's country.
Without question one should be prepared to go into the battlefield.
Without question one should be prepared to give the ultimate sacrifice.
To go or not to go
We answered the "call," and went to war.
To be or not to be?
There was no guarantee. We knew this truth to be self evident as we were led through dark pastures.
There was no promise that we would reach our homeland.
To be or not to be?
Think about it Mr. President.
Without question some of us will never be....the same.
Without question there are those who have long been buried in the name of patriotism and are not to be.
Do you remember us Mr. President?
I must repeat, we are the ones what responded to our country's calling.
The stage was set and the script was handed out.
Now this was not the back yards of Hollywood....this was real.
Without question....people were dying with real bullets and there was real blood you should have been there Mr. President!
It was no act! Shooting on location!
People really died....but not as a result of an act of God,
but rather as a result of an act of Congress!
But hey, it's OK, we responded like good ol' american boys,
we simply stuck a little bit of patriotic chew between our brain and skull and went for it!
So thousands of arms, leg, minds and bodies later our country made a decision to let
Saigons be Saigons....oh well, boys will be boys.
So we returned to you war torn and utterly confused.
Our young hearts and minds perforated with emotional shrapnel, not knowing yet the full and endless repercussions of our experience.
But he, no sweat GI, you numba one!
No problem! We're covered.
The foundation was laid down by our forefathers (not mine, I'm Navajo and Yaque descent.)
On March 4, 1865 Abraham Lincoln said something of great importance for America's patriots.
"To care for him who shall have borne the battle."
Mr. President it sounds as though you would like to rephrase about
"To slightly care and tax him who shall have borne the battle."
Sounds as though we have another battle.
So let the truth be known that this battle is with and against America's own patriots!
Hello, is the Caller there?
There you go again. Don't ignore us, for we did not ignore our country.
Our country spent millions on the French connection,
spent millions on sending us to war and kept us well stocked because we were expendable.
political relations,
draft registration,
military occupation,
physical and mental degradation
Let's talke Compensation
As patriots we were rewarded with metals and colored pendants and the GI bill to go to school and use to purchase a home.
But now these benefits are under one of our own!
Friendly fire?....hey, it's us!
They say the war is never over. How true, how painfully true these words are Mr. President
But isn't it a sad state of affairs that America's patriots have to quarrel with the President over something that has been theirs all along?
What is it?
It is the right to call upon "The Caller".....our country.
The right to be treated like humanbeings.
So is it with respect and regards to our rights that you threaten to take away and tax our due benefits?
Have we not given enough Mr. President?
This is all done in the name of Defense and in the best interest of our country...right?
Hell, we went to war in the best interest of our country and yes we did pay a price for being patriotic.
But the truth is becoming self evident Mr President, that we are not in your best interest!
The mere fact that our benefits are being threatened is completely ABSURD!
It is as if Veterans OWE the government...for being Veterans...for being disabled!
It's like, "Hey Mr President, here's a couple hundred dollars for the legs I lost; I'm really sorry."
This country cannot withstand this kind of betrayal it only weakened the structure of the relationship between the government and its people
But wait! Isn't this a government for the people?
Or is it simple one nation under Reagan?
To us there seems to be an impairment on the part of out Leader's ability to see the value of taking care of its own.
The morale of this great country will certainly decline.
Oh well, Lincoln will never know!

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