From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Seen Enough of this Act? Dump Reagan November 5th

By Barry Romo

No President in modern history has made more blunders, exercised less day-to-day control of the office, or had more corruption than Reagan; yet none has been treated by the media.

Maybe it's the fact that he's one of their own (after all, what is modern "news" if not show biz?) or possibly a major conspiracy to make a book look like a genius, but more likely it's that these high-priced commentators are a cut below the average, despite all the information at their disposal.

A look at the "Great Communicator" shows a man of fluff without substance. He may be able to walk directly to the "x" in front of the camera, turn his good side to the lens, and tell homey stories, but where's the beef? When asked about problems with negotiating with the Russians, he became flustered, confused and started staring. His wife had to come to his aid and whisper through clenched teeth, "We're doing the best we can." To which the "Great Communicator" then replied to the press, profoundly. "We are doing the best we can." And walked off. As far as communicating, no President in the last 20 years has had less news conferences (that's right—Nixon had more).

As far as his work, Reagan doesn't get up before 10 AM; lunches at noon, a quick nap during cabinet meetings (that's right—his aids admit he sleeps through, which may be why his wife has to coach him on foreign policy), and he's though work by 3 PM. Of course, his work day is easier when he's on vacation, which is about as often as a beer commercial during a football game.

The government in fact is being run by different bureaucrats, some better known than others, who are pursing different policies and getting Americans killed. Look at Lebanon; Secretary of Defense Weinburger wanted Marine intervention. The State Department was against. Reagan didn't step in except to make excuses for the disaster that cost more Marine lives in one day than any time since 1968 Tet in Vietnam. The drug enforcement people are trying to stop the flow of cocaine while the CIA is working hand in glove with the pushers in an effort to find allies against leftist insurgents in South America. There is one place where the Reaganists in government find agreement, and that's selling the nation's future to the highest bidder. The forests, the parks, the rivers, (lake and oceans are being given away to the "lowest" bidder in a rape of the natural resources that belong to the nation, not a few multi-national corporations.

As vets we've seen both sides of Reagan. He smiles, he cries, he prays. He "honors" us at every opportunity, but his kind of "honor" is purest poison to us and our kids, as poison as was Agent Orange which Reagan refuses to recognize as service connected. As deadly as the war he is trying to get us involved in and send our kids to die in. The Legion and the VFW may applaud the man whose advisors want to gut the VA totally throwing disabled vets into charity wards and end the VA vets' Outreach Centers.

I'm sure there are some who say, "Sure he's President, but like you say, he sleeps a lot so he's not really to blame." Except that he's paid and elected to be President. He is responsible for those below him, appointed by him and carrying out the plundering of the country by their corporations. And he does not care, despite his carefully cultivated image as a "genuinely nice guy."

Quite simply, a "genuinely nice guy" wouldn't be killing aid to millions of starving children in Africa. A "genuinely nice guy" would not deny breakfast and lunch to American children now facing a nutritional crisis unparalleled since before World War II. In fact as far as people go, he doesn't give a damn even when it comes to the military. Sure, the generals and the admirals are getting their toys and bennies, but when it comes to the enlisted man and woman, it's a different story. Cost of living raises have been held up, promotions frozen, and with the cut back in welfare aid, even GI's are suffering.

The last four years are only the beginning. The next four promise much more—more pain and suffering for the average American and more money for Reagan's rich friends.

I suppose one is not supposed to bring up Reagan's private life but he's trying to interfere with our individual rights without a thought to the Constitutional questions. This great religious man who would put prayer in schools, subsidize parochial education and dictate moral standards does not go to church himself (except to give a campaign speech). He never tires of talking about the value of the American family, yet has not visited his grandchildren in years. And he is hardly above lies; he told an Israeli how he visited Nazi extermination camps in the Army, yet he never left the back lot in Hollywood during his military "career."

I certainly wouldn't want to suggest Reagan doesn't deserve re-election. At times I even think the electorate deserves him. But I can't believe that our children or the rest of the world's children do deserve him.

—Barry Romo
VVAW National Office

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