From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Letters to VVAW


THE VETERAN welcomes letters, comments and criticisms. Please write. Also, send along any poetry, drawings, photos or stories you would like to see in the paper.

Dear VVAW,

Enclosed is a money order for a subscription to THE VETERAN paper and I'm 4" A Vietnam Veteran" bumper stickers. I would also like to know more about membership requirements.

I too would like to see an end to war and all that it stands for. I'll never understand why man had to turn to violence to achieve peace. It's crass, the whole idea of it. The money I saw going up in smoke, with each exploding bomb in Vietnam would have fed hundreds of starving people.

I pray for a day when peace will be throughout the world and love and understanding will be each person's goal.

Milwaukee, WI

Dear VVAW,

My high school history class has been assigned a research project. I have selected your organization. I am very interested in what your cause is. It sounds very worthwhile. Maybe your organization could help my generation prevent a war from ever getting started. Could you please send me all the information you can regarding you organization....

Mary L.
Coventry, RI

Dear Editor,

All Americans are with Vietnam vets. The bastards in Washington should have been sent to the Vietnam war zone. It's the bastards in Washington that should be gone after as they love to see young men sent to war while they eat and drink away in Washington.

Anne Pawilak
Cicero, IL

Dear VVAW,

I am a disabled American veteran that recently came across your publication and would like a subscription to it. The direct approach and slight sarcasm included could not be more honest. Like everyone else I wish I had never been subjected to the military and its "life is cheap" policy. It seems as though crippled and abandoned is the American military's way of saying thank you. Sometimes I joke about doing it for apple pie and baseball; but the joke was on me. I haven't enough teeth to eat pie, nor the shoulders to play baseball anymore and feel that the benefits and compensation were and still are unsatisfactory. My life had never been the same since.

A "saying" I remember from high school English class comes to mind when I think about it, which is often:

"A sorrow's crown of sorrows, Is remembering happier times."

Thank you for your concern.

Sincerely yours,

Richard Hel., Milwaukee
P.S. My boys won't go!

Dear VVAW:

I am requesting any information you have regarding the Vietnamese conflict. Any information will be appreciated. I am studying this conflict and am trying to get as much information as possible to find out about the Vietnam War and why it was an unpopular war. I am 12 years old and want the whole story.

Thank you.

N. Merrick, NY

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